title: Team linkTitle: Team description: About SkyWalking Team.

SkyWalking Team

The SkyWalking team is comprised of Members and Contributors. Members have direct access to the source of SkyWalking project and actively evolve the code-base. Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions to the Members. The number of Contributors to the project is unbounded. All contributions to SkyWalking are greatly appreciated, whether for trivial cleanups, big new features or other material rewards. More details see here.


Members include Project Management Committee members and committers. The list is in alphabet order.

Project Management Committee

NameApache IDTwitter
Can LilicanCandy198088
DongXue Siilucky
Han Liuliuhandalek_zero
Haochao Zhuangdaming
Haoyang Liuliuhaoyangzz
Hongtao Gaohanahmily
Hongwei Zhaiinnerpeacez
Ignasi Barreranacx
Jian Tantanjian
Jiaqi Linlinjiaqi
Jinlin Fuwithlin
Juntao Zhangzhangjuntao
Kai Wangwangkai
Lang Lililang
Michael Semb Wevermck
Qiuxia Fanqiuxiafan
Sheng Wu (V.P. and Chair of PMC)wushengwusheng1108
Shinn Zhangzhangxinascrutae
Wei Zhangzhangwei24
Wenbing Wangwangwenbin
Willem Ning Jiangningjiang
Yang Baibaiyang
Yao Wangywang
Yixiong Caocaoyixiong
Yongsheng Pengpengys
Yuguang Zhaozhaoyuguang
Zhang Keweizhangkewei
Zhenxu Kekezhenxu94kezhenxu94


NameApache IDTwitter
Brandon Fergersonbfergerson
Gui Caozifeihanzifeihan007
Huaxi JianghosheaZerone___01
Jiapeng Liuliujiapeng
JunXu Chenchenjunxu
Ke ZhangzhangkeHumbertttttt
Ming Wenwenming
Sheng Wangwangsheng
Wei Huaalonelaval
Wei Jinkvn
Weijie ZoukdumpRootShellExp
Weiyi Liuwayilau
Yanlong HeheyanlongYanlongHe
Yuntao Liliyuntao
Zhusheng Xuaderm


SkyWalking have hundreds of contributors, you could find them in our repositories' contribution list.


Becoming a Committer

SkyWalking follows the Apache way to build the community. Anyone can become a committer once they have contributed sufficiently to the project and earned the trust. Read Contributing Guides to take part in the community.

The SkyWalking community follows the Apache Community’s process on accepting a new committer.

  1. Start the discussion and vote in @private. Only current PMC member could nominate.
  2. If the vote passes, send an offer to become a committer with @private CC’ed.
  3. Add the committer to the team page
  4. Setup committer rights