Apache SkyWalking Website

This is the repository including all source codes of http://skywalking.apache.org.

Compile, preview and generate static files


  1. Git pull branch master
  2. You may need to run npm install before your start somehow.
  3. Run npm run clean to remove dist folder
  4. Run npm run dev in your local env, open http://localhost:8080 in browser, check whether it works fine
  5. Push files and send pull request if necessary, with screenshots showing how you would change.

How to add document in the site

|-- docs                    // English version
|   |-- README.md           // homepage's markdown
|   |-- .vuepress
|   |   |-- config.js       // website config
|   |   |-- public          // public resources
|   |   |   |-- assets          // website static resources
|   |   |   |-- static          // markdown resources
|   |   |   |   |-- blog          // blog  markdown resources
|   |   |-- theme           // vue theme project
|   |-- blog
|   |   |-- xxx.md          // other blog markdowns
|   |   |-- README.md       // blog's markdown
|   |-- downloads
|   |   |-- README.md       // downloads's markdown
|   |-- events
|   |   |-- README.md       // events's markdown
|   |-- team
|   |   |-- README.md       // team's markdown
|   |-- zh                  // Chinese version
|   |   |-- README.md       // homepage's markdown
|   |   |-- blog
|   |   |   |-- xxx.md      // other blog markdowns
|   |   |   |-- README.md   // blog's markdown
|   |   |-- downloads
|   |   |   |-- README.md   // downloads's markdown
|   |   |-- events
|   |   |   |-- README.md   // events's markdown
|   |   |-- team
|   |   |   |-- README.md   // team's markdown

How to add and manage images in the site

You can put your markdown images in the path /docs/.vuepress/public/static/ and use the folder to separate the site parts.

Such as adding a blog folder in /docs/.vuepress/public/static/,and then you can make a folder which names about your blog in it. Put the images in this named folder.

In markdown, you can use /docs/.vuepress/public/static/blog/{blogName}/{imageName} path to add the image into markdown doc.

How to add a new committer

You can refer to the previous PR, there are six files you need to modify:

  1. /docs/README.md, remove the oldest one to only keep 4 pieces of news, and the date is the date you received the invitation email.
  2. /docs/events/README.md
  3. /docs/team/README.md, names should be in the alphabet order.
  4. docs/zh/README.md, remove the oldest one to only keep 4 pieces of news.
  5. docs/zh/events/README.md
  6. docs/zh/team/README.md, names should be in the alphabet order.

If you don't know Chinese, you can only update the English documents.


When you try to publish blogs in Apache SkyWalking official website, no advertising is allowed here. You could add markdown test link([name](url)) pointing to you personal website/twitter and company website.