title: “[Video] Another backend storage solution for the APM system” date: 2020-11-21 author: Juan Pan. Apache ShardingSphere PMC member. description: “ApacheCon@Home 2020 Observability Track” tags:

  • Conference
  • Video

The APM system provides the tracing or metrics for distributed systems or microservice architectures. Back to APM themselves, they always need backend storage to store the necessary massive data. What are the features required for backend storage? Simple, fewer dependencies, widely used query language, and the efficiency could be into your consideration. Based on that, traditional SQL databases (like MySQL) or NoSQL databases would be better choices. However, this topic will present another backend storage solution for the APM system viewing from NewSQL. Taking Apache Skywalking for instance, this talking will share how to make use of Apache ShardingSphere, a distributed database middleware ecosystem to extend the APM system's storage capability.

As a senior DBA worked at JD.com, the responsibility is to develop the distributed database and middleware, and the automated management platform for database clusters. As a PMC of Apache ShardingSphere, I am willing to contribute to the OS community and explore the area of distributed databases and NewSQL.

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