Some improvements for Terraform scripts (#14)

- Add egress security group for the instances so that they can access the internet, this is required to install packages (Java) and download SkyWalking package.
- Remove the `ping` playbook, it's incomplete for now, and can be simply replaced by `ansible -m ping all` in command line.
- Create an SSH key pair on AWS and save to local file, so that users don't have to create the key pair beforehand.
- Find an AMI by specific filters to avoid hardcode the AMI ID, the hardcoded AMI might be not available in other regions, for example, the current hardcoded `ami-026ebd4cfe2c043b2` is not available in ap-southeast-1 region.
- Add doc for Ansible playbook.
- Replace `-` with `_` in group names, as hyphens are invalid character in group name
12 files changed
tree: 0c4c4fbfa4fe6abfbe1002f75622e430ba07f6de
  1. .github/
  2. ansible/
  3. aws/
  4. .asf.yaml
  5. .gitignore
  6. .licenserc.yaml