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// Licensed to Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright
// ownership. Apache Software Foundation (ASF) licenses this file to you under
// the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
package injector
import (
// Annotation defines configuration that user can overlay, including
// sidecar configuration and java agent configuration.
type Annotation struct {
// Name defines the reference to configuration used in Pod's AnnotationOverlay.
Name string `yaml:"name"`
// DefaultValue defines the default value of configuration, if there
// isn't a default value, it will be "nil".
DefaultValue string `yaml:"defaultValue"`
// ValidateFunc defines a Validate func to judge whether the value
// is valid, if there isn't a validate func, it will be "nil".
ValidateFunc string `yaml:"validateFunc"`
// EnvName represent the environment variable , just like following
// in agent.namespace=${SW_AGENT_NAMESPACE:} , the EnvName is SW_AGENT_NAMESPACE
EnvName string `yaml:"envName"`
// Annotations are set of
type Annotations struct {
Annotations []Annotation
// AnnotationOverlay is used to set overlaied value
type AnnotationOverlay map[Annotation]string
// NewAnnotations will create a new AnnotationOverlay
func NewAnnotations() (*Annotations, error) {
fileRepo := manifests.NewRepo("injector")
data, err := fileRepo.ReadFile("injector/templates/annotations.yaml")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a := new(Annotations)
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, a); err != nil {
return nil,
fmt.Errorf("unmarshal annotations.yaml to struct Annotations :%s", err.Error())
return a, nil
// GetAnnotationsByPrefix gets annotations from annotations.yaml
func GetAnnotationsByPrefix(a Annotations, prefixName string) *Annotations {
anno := new(Annotations)
for _, v := range a.Annotations {
if strings.HasPrefix(v.Name, prefixName) {
anno.Annotations = append(anno.Annotations, v)
return anno
// NewAnnotationOverlay will create a new AnnotationOverlay
func NewAnnotationOverlay() *AnnotationOverlay {
a := make(AnnotationOverlay)
return &a
// GetFinalValue will get overlaied value first , then default
func (as *AnnotationOverlay) GetFinalValue(a Annotation) string {
ov := a.DefaultValue
if v, ok := (*as)[a]; ok {
ov = v
return ov
// SetOverlay will set overlaied value
func (as *AnnotationOverlay) SetOverlay(AnnotationOverlay *map[string]string, a Annotation) error {
if v, ok := (*AnnotationOverlay)[a.Name]; ok {
// if annotation has validate func then validate
f := FindValidateFunc(a.ValidateFunc)
if f != nil {
err := f(a.Name, v)
// validate error
if err != nil {
return err
// if no validate func then set Overlay directly
(*as)[a] = v
return nil
// GetOverlayValue will get overlaied value, if not then return ""
func (as *AnnotationOverlay) GetOverlayValue(a Annotation) string {
if v, ok := (*as)[a]; ok {
return v
return ""