

The gRPC client is a sharing plugin to keep connection with the gRPC server and delivery the data to it.


# The gRPC client finder type
finder_type: "static"

# The gRPC server address (default localhost:11800), multiple addresses are split by ",".
server_addr: localhost:11800

# The gRPC kubernetes server address finder
  # The kind of resource
  kind: pod
  # The resource namespaces
    - default
  # How to get the address exported port
    # Resource target port
    port: 11800

# The TLS switch (default false).
enable_TLS: false

# The file path of client.pem. The config only works when opening the TLS switch.
client_pem_path: ""

# The file path of client.key. The config only works when opening the TLS switch.
client_key_path: ""

# The file path oca.pem. The config only works when opening the TLS switch.
ca_pem_path: ""

# InsecureSkipVerify controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name.
insecure_skip_verify: true

# The auth value when send request
authentication: ""

# How frequently to check the connection(second)
check_period: 5


finder_typestringThe gRPC server address finder type, support “static” and “kubernetes”
server_addrstringThe gRPC server address, only works for “static” address finder
kubernetes_config*resolvers.KubernetesConfigThe kubernetes config to lookup addresses, only works for “kubernetes” address finder
kubernetes_config.api_serverstringThe kubernetes API server address, If not define means using in kubernetes mode to connect
kubernetes_config.basic_auth*resolvers.BasicAuthThe HTTP basic authentication credentials for the targets.
kubernetes_config.bearer_tokenresolvers.SecretThe bearer token for the targets.
kubernetes_config.bearer_token_filestringThe bearer token file for the targets.
kubernetes_config.proxy_urlstringHTTP proxy server to use to connect to the targets.
kubernetes_config.tls_configresolvers.TLSConfigTLSConfig to use to connect to the targets.
kubernetes_config.namespaces[]stringSupport to lookup namespaces
kubernetes_config.kindstringThe kind of api
kubernetes_config.selectorresolvers.SelectorThe kind selector
kubernetes_config.extra_portresolvers.ExtraPortHow to get the address exported port
enable_TLSboolEnable TLS connect to server
client_pem_pathstringThe file path of client.pem. The config only works when opening the TLS switch.
client_key_pathstringThe file path of client.key. The config only works when opening the TLS switch.
ca_pem_pathstringThe file path oca.pem. The config only works when opening the TLS switch.
insecure_skip_verifyboolControls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name.
authenticationstringThe auth value when send request
check_periodintHow frequently to check the connection(second)