Detect Process by Agent Sensor

This documentation helps you to set up a service that could let rover detected automatically.

Configure Service

Configure your service to enable the Process Status Hook feature. Take go2sky as an example here, which version must >= v1.5.0.

// update the oap address here
r, err := reporter.NewGRPCReporter("oap-skywalking:11800", reporter.WithProcessStatusHook(true))
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("new reporter error %v \n", err)
defer r.Close()
tracer, err := go2sky.NewTracer("example", go2sky.WithReporter(r))

The reporter.WithProcessStatusHook(true) declares to enable the Process Status Hook feature.

Starting Rover

Enable Linux Process Scanner

After your service has been startup, then configure the Linux process scanner with “AGENT_SENSOR” mode.

Full Configuration

Please follow the comment to update the backend address to your SkyWalking OAP address.

    addr: localhost:11800 # please change the backend address to your SkyWalking OAP address
    enable_TLS: false
    client_pem_path: "client.pem"
    client_key_path: "client.key"
    insecure_skip_verify: false
    ca_pem_path: "ca.pem"
    check_period: 5
    authentication: ""
  heartbeat_period: 20s
    period: 3s
    mode: AGENT_SENSOR
      processStatusRefreshPeriod: 1m