Monitor and profiler powered by eBPF to monitor network traffic, and diagnose CPU and network performance.

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  1. dabe462 Polish docs (#121) by 吴晟 Wu Sheng · 4 weeks ago main v0.6.0
  2. ee34f43 Fix release script path (#120) by mrproliu · 4 weeks ago
  3. c91e179 Adjust documentation (#119) by mrproliu · 4 weeks ago
  4. d3a0f87 Update (#116) by 吴晟 Wu Sheng · 6 weeks ago
  5. bdd1e6a Fix load customized BTF not take effect (#114) by caiwc · 6 weeks ago

Apache SkyWalking Rover

SkyWalking Rover: Monitor and profiler powered by eBPF to monitor network traffic, and diagnose CPU and network performance.

  • CPU On/Off profiling for C, C++, Golang, and Rust.
  • Network profiling for TCP, TCP(TLS), HTTP(s) traffic with topology and metrics.
  • Tracing enhancement. Collect extra information from OS level as attached events for the existing tracing system, such as attach raw data of HTTP request and reponse.
  • Kubernetes network monitoring for generating network access logs.

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Apache 2.0 License.