blob: 69be2b4347dd76c945d3022a708dcbc32ca06304 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# Dashboard Configuration provides the management capabilities for SkyWalking native UI.
type DashboardConfiguration {
# ID is a generated UUID.
id: String!
# JSON based configuration. The format of text is the export result on the UI page.
configuration: String!
type MenuItem {
# Title name
title: String!
# Showing icon name
icon: String
# Linked layer name
layer: String!
# Activated menu should be listed on the menu,
# otherwise, it should stay in marketplace.
activate: Boolean!
# Sub menu items
subItems: [MenuItem!]!
# Description of the item
description: String
# The document link for the latest version of this feature.
documentLink: String
# The i18n key for the title and description of this feature display in the UI.
i18nKey: String
extend type Query {
# Read an existing UI template according to given id.
getTemplate(id: String!): DashboardConfiguration
# Read all configuration templates。
getAllTemplates: [DashboardConfiguration!]!
# Read all menu items
getMenuItems: [MenuItem!]!
# Used for add new template
input NewDashboardSetting {
# JSON based configuration. The format of text is the export result on the UI page.
configuration: String!
input DashboardSetting {
id: String!
# JSON based configuration. The format of text is the export result on the UI page.
configuration: String!
type TemplateChangeStatus {
id: String!
# True means change successfully.
status: Boolean!
message: String
# Template Management page provides the creation, update and deletion for the different template typs.
extend type Mutation {
addTemplate(setting: NewDashboardSetting!): TemplateChangeStatus!
changeTemplate(setting: DashboardSetting!): TemplateChangeStatus!
disableTemplate(id: String!): TemplateChangeStatus!