Setup PHP Agent

  1. Agent is available for PHP 7.2 - 8.x.
  2. Build from source.
  3. Configure php.ini.


  • GCC
  • Rustc 1.65+
  • Cargo
  • Libclang 9.0+
  • Make
  • Protoc

Install dependencies

For Debian-base OS

sudo apt install gcc make llvm-13-dev libclang-13-dev protobuf-c-compiler

For Alpine Linux

apk add gcc make musl-dev llvm15-dev clang15-dev protobuf-c-compiler

Install Rust globally

The officially recommended way to install Rust is via rustup.

But because the source code toolchain is override by rust-toolchain.toml, so if you don't need multi version Rust, we recommend to install Rust by these way:

  1. Install through OS package manager (The Rust version in the source must be >= 1.65).

  2. Through standalone installers.

    For linux x86_64 user:

    tar zxvf rust-1.65.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    cd rust-1.65.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  3. Through rustup but set default-toolchain to none.

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain none


Notice: If you compile skywalking_agent in Alpine Linux, you have to disable crt-static, otherwise the problem will be throw: “the libclang shared library at /usr/lib/ could not be opened: Dynamic loading not supported”.

You can disable crt-static by environment variable:

export RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=-crt-static"

Install from

pecl install skywalking_agent

Install from the source codes

git clone --recursive
cd skywalking-php

make install


Configure skywalking agent in your php.ini.

extension =

; Enable skywalking_agent extension or not.
skywalking_agent.enable = Off

; Log file path.
skywalking_agent.log_file = /tmp/skywalking-agent.log

; Log level: one of `OFF`, `TRACE`, `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARN`, `ERROR`.
skywalking_agent.log_level = INFO

; Address of skywalking oap server.
skywalking_agent.server_addr =

; Application service name.
skywalking_agent.service_name = hello-skywalking

Refer to the Configuration section for more configuration items.

Notice: It is not recommended to enable skywalking_agent.enable by default globally, because skywalking agent will modify the hook function and fork a new process to be a worker. Enabling it by default will cause extra meaningless consumption when skywalking agent is not needed (such as simply executing a php script).


Start php-fpm server:

php-fpm -F -d "skywalking_agent.enable=On"

Notice: It is necessary to keep the php-fpm process running in the foreground (by specifying the > -F parameter, etc.), running php-fpm as a daemon will cause the skywalking-agent reporter process immediately exit.