Compiling project

This document will help you compile and build the package file.

Prepare PHP and Rust environments.

Install PHP Environment

For Debian user:

sudo apt install php-cli php-dev

For MacOS user:

brew install php

Install Rust Environment

Install Rust globally.

export RUSTUP_HOME=/opt/rustup
export CARGO_HOME=/opt/cargo

curl -sSf | sudo -E sh -s -- --no-modify-path
sudo ln -s $CARGO_HOME/bin/rustup /usr/local/bin/rustup
sudo ln -s $CARGO_HOME/bin/rustc /usr/local/bin/rustc
sudo ln -s $CARGO_HOME/bin/cargo /usr/local/bin/cargo

Install requirement

For Debian user:

sudo apt install gcc make libclang protobuf-compiler

For MacOS user:

brew install protobuf

Build and install Skywalking PHP Agent

The extension file is generated in the php extension folder, get it by run php-config --extension-dir.