tree: 29606423e80e7ebdd65bfc90e57e12b97c22812b [path history] [tgz]
  1. plugins/
  2. rockspec/

Apache SkyWalking Nginx Agent For Kong

This plugin base on Apache SkyWalking Nginx Agent for the Kong API gateway to integrate with the Apache SkyWalking distributed tracing system.


  1. Install the plugin on Kong:

To install kong-plugin-skywalking:

$ luarocks install kong-plugin-skywalking --local

Edit kong.conf:

plugins = bundled,skywalking

lua_package_path = ${user.home}/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;;

Set environment:

$ export KONG_NGINX_HTTP_LUA_SHARED_DICT="tracing_buffer 128m"

Restart Kong

  1. Enabling & configuring plugin:

Add the plugin to an API:

$ curl -i -X POST \
   --url http://localhost:8001/apis/{api_name}/plugins/ \
   --data 'name=skywalking' \
   --data 'config.backend_http_uri=http://localhost:12800' \
   --data 'config.sample_ratio=100' \
   --data 'config.service_name=kong'
   --data 'config.service_instance_name=kong-with-skywalking'

Add the plugin to global:

$ curl -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/plugins/ \
   --data 'name=skywalking' \
   --data 'config.backend_http_uri=http://localhost:12800' \
   --data 'config.sample_ratio=100' \
   --data 'config.service_name=kong'
   --data 'config.service_instance_name=kong-with-skywalking'