Apache SkyWalking Agent docker file

Docker images are not official ASF releases but provided for convenience. Recommended usage is always to build the source

SkyWalking: an APM(application performance monitor) system, especially designed for microservices, cloud native and container-based (Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos) architectures.

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You could find docker file at here

This image only hosts the pre-built SkyWalking Java agent jars, and provides some convenient configurations for containerization scenarios.

How to use this image

Build your Java application image on top of this image

FROM apache/skywalking-java-agent:8.5.0-jdk8

# ... build your java application

You can start your Java application with CMD or ENTRYPOINT, but you don't need to care about the Java options to enable SkyWalking agent, it should be adopted automatically.

Use this image as sidecar of Kubernetes service

In Kubernetes scenarios, you can also use this agent image as a sidecar.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: agent-as-sidecar
  restartPolicy: Never

    - name: skywalking-agent
      emptyDir: { }

    - name: agent-container
      image: apache/skywalking-java-agent:8.4.0-alpine
        - name: skywalking-agent
          mountPath: /agent
      command: [ "/bin/sh" ]
      args: [ "-c", "cp -R /skywalking/agent /agent/" ]

    - name: app-container
      image: springio/gs-spring-boot-docker
        - name: skywalking-agent
          mountPath: /skywalking
        - name: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
          value: "-javaagent:/skywalking/agent/skywalking-agent.jar"


Apache 2.0 License.