Check registered application by id

Check registered application by id whether or not exists in collector when agent reconnect to collector.
1 file changed
tree: b0f22eb6230d33facb38673e5a1f79b8cbe7dc92
  1. ApplicationRegisterService.proto
  2. Common.proto
  3. DiscoveryService.proto
  4. Downstream.proto
  5. JVMMetricsService.proto
  6. KeyWithIntegerValue.proto
  7. KeyWithStringValue.proto
  8. NetworkAddressRegisterService.proto
  10. TraceSegmentService.proto

Apache SkyWalking Data Collect Protocol

SkyWalking supports two protocols, gRPC and HTTP, for collecting data for agent.

  • gRPC protocol based on all *.proto files definition.
  • HTTP + JSON protocol