

  1. Support setting time interval to report segments.
  2. Fix segments report only send once
  3. Fix apache/skywalking#7335
  4. Fix apache/skywalking#7793


  1. Separate production and development environments when building.
  2. Upgrade packages to fix vulnerabilities.
  3. Fix headers could be null .
  4. Fix catching errors for http requests.
  5. Fix the firstReportedError is calculated with more types of errors.


  1. Add noTraceOrigins option.
  2. Fix wrong URL when using relative path.
  3. Catch frames errors.
  4. Get response.body as a stream with the fetch API.
  5. Support reporting multiple logs.
  6. Support typescript project.


  1. Update stack and message in logs.
  2. Fix wrong URL when using relative path in xhr.


  1. Support tracing starting at the browser.
  2. Add traceSDKInternal SDK for tracing SDK internal RPC.
  3. Add detailMode SDK for tracing http method and url as tags in spans.
  4. Fix conditions of http status.


  1. Fix: secureConnectionStart is zero bug.
  2. Fix: response.status judge bug.


  1. Establish the browser exception and tracing core.