The integration test tool for Apache SkyWalking, including Mock OAP server and trace validator.

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  1. b6efe6a Bump up lombok version (#57) by 张呈熹 · 9 months ago master
  2. fa81b1b Disable dependabot pull requests (#56) by kezhenxu94 · 1 year, 5 months ago
  3. e7b4efe Enhance the segment span validation (#53) by mrproliu · 1 year, 5 months ago
  4. 17a37cc Set runner to latest ubuntu, old ones are disabled by GitHub (#54) by kezhenxu94 · 1 year, 5 months ago
  5. cf62c1b Update lombok to allow compiling with jdk17 (#50) by Marcin Grzejszczak · 2 years ago

Apache SkyWalking Agent Test Tool Suite

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SkyWalking Agent Test Tool is a tremendously useful test tools suite in a wide variety of languages of Agent. Includes mock collector and validator. The mock collector is a SkyWalking receiver, like OAP server.

The mock collector is responsible for mocking the SkyWalking OAP receiver to collect data from the agent. It receives data from agent through GRPC and HTTP REST API(in plan). And then it can be downloaded by Http API that the mock collector collected(service registered, instance registered, and segments). Eventually, validate the file downloaded from mock collector by using SkyWalking Validator.

Apache SkyWalking Mock Collector


  1. JDK 1.8+
  2. Maven

How to install

The mock collector is written by pure-Java. It compiles and packages through Maven.

mvn package -DskipTests
unzip ./dist/mock-collector.tar.gz -d ./mock-collector
cd ./mock-collector
bash ./bin/

after above steps, we can check whether the mock collector is available through HTTP API. To visit http://localhost:12800/healthCheck and get the response with success in the body of content.

Finally, To visit follow URL to download the data as yaml file, which can be used by SkyWalking Validator Tool.


How to config on agent

We can modify the configurations of agent in ./config/agent.conf, as follows

# Backend service addresses.

or specify the jvm arguments like:

# Backend service addresses.

Data validation in Mock Collector

Currently, we integration SkyWalking Validator Tool in Mock Collector. We can post the expectedData.yaml to /dataValidate after agent reported.

Apache SkyWalking Validator Tool

Validator Tool is a data validating tool. It is responsible for validating the expected data with actual data.

java -jar \
    -Xmx256m -Xms256m \
    -DcaseName="case_name" \
    -DtestCasePath=/path/to/download-folder \

NOTICE: the expected data have to call expectedData.yaml, and the actual data must name as actualData.yaml. These files save all the segment and meter data, and in the same directory, /path/to/download-folder. JVM argument caseName just for show in the log.

The format and documentation of expectedData.yaml could be found in SkyWalking plugin test doc

Contact Us

  • Mail list: Mail to, follow the reply to subscribe the mail list.
  • Join skywalking channel at Apache Slack. If the link is not working, find the latest one at Apache INFRA WIKI.
  • QQ Group: 392443393(2000/2000, not available), 901167865(available)


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