OpenOffice add-in build instructions

All XFoo Java interfaces are generated from IDL files with the same name. As long as XFoo Java/IDL interfaces are not modified, there is no need for the OpenOffice SDK. But if any XFoo interface is modified, then the steps documented below must be done. The last step shall be executed on the client machine (users can also use the “Tools / Package manager” menu from OpenOffice GUI).

Replace ooo-path by the path to the OpenOffice installation directory. That directory should contain the program sub-directories. The OpenOffice SDK shall be installed as a sub-directory of the OpenOffice root directory. If the name of that SDK directory is different than OpenOffice_SDK, then modify the OO_SDK_HOME value below accordingly.

export OFFICE_BASE_HOME=ooo-path

Compiles the UNO *.urd binary file

The following command generates *.urd files (to be deleted later). The -C option is for including additional service information, the -cid option is for checking if identifiers fulfill the UNO naming requirements, and the -w option is for displaying warning messages.

cd endorsed/src/org.apache.sis.openoffice/main
idlc -C -cid -w -I $OO_SDK_HOME/idl org/apache/sis/openoffice/*.idl

MacOS troubleshooting

if the above command fails with a message like “dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/libreg.dylib.3 (…) Reason: image not found”, try adding the following environment variable:


Compiles the UNO *.rdb registry file and the *.class file

The *.rdb and *.class files generated by the following commands will need to be committed in the source code repository. Committing compilation results is usually not recommended, but in this particular case most users will not have the necessary installation for producing those files themselves (including the *.class files, which is not the usual javac output).

regmerge ../bundle/sis.rdb /UCR org/apache/sis/openoffice/*.urd
rm org/apache/sis/openoffice/*.urd
cd ../bundle
javamaker -BUCR sis.rdb $OFFICE_BASE_HOME/program/types.rdb -Torg.apache.sis.openoffice.XReferencing

Derives a *.java source from the *.class file

Following command can be skipped if the API defined by *.idl files did not changed. If this command is executed, the result will be sent to the console. Developer need to bring any changes to the Java interface manually.

javap org.apache.sis.openoffice.XReferencing


cd ../../..
gradle test

Test in Apache OpenOffice


cd target
unopkg add apache-sis-1.x-SNAPSHOT.oxt --log-file log.txt
scalc -env:RTL_LOGFILE=log.txt

If not already done, configure Java runtime with ToolsOptions…AdvancedJava optionsParameters and specify the following parameters:


It allows to attach the IDE debugger to the Java virtual machine running in LibreOffice. For example, with NetBeans, use DebugAttach debugger…, select “Socket attach” as the transport and 8000 as the port number.