| <!-- |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| distributed with this work for additional information |
| regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| under the License. |
| --> |
| # Jenkins CI Support |
| |
| ## Introduction |
| This documentation is to guide Singa developers to setup Jenkins service for continuous integration of Singa. After each commit, |
| 1. Singa should be compiled and tested automatically under different settings (e.g.,OS, python version and hardware). |
| 2. Binary packages should be generated automatically and archived. |
| |
| Continuous integration for CPU systems is enabled via [Travis](../travis). |
| Hence, Jenkins is mainly used for CI on GPUs. |
| |
| ## Install Jenkins |
| [Jenkins Official Wiki](https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Installing+Jenkins) |
| The slave nodes for running different building environments are configured under 'Manage Jenkins'->'Manage nodes'. |
| |
| Change Jenkins time zone by executing the following code in 'Mange jenkins' -> 'Script Console': |
| |
| System.setProperty('org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.fmt.timeZone', 'Asia/Singapore') |
| |
| ## Configure Jenkins for Unit Testing and Binary Package Generation |
| Create a multi-configuration project and configure project as follows: |
| |
| ### Description |
| This job automatically pulls latest commits from Apache incubator-singa github repository, then for different environments |
| |
| * compile and test Singa on GPUs |
| * generate conda package of Singa with CUDA enabled |
| * invoke the CPU test and packaging on Travis |
| * (optional) create Debian GPU packages |
| |
| ### General |
| * Discard old builds - Max # of builds to keep - 50 |
| * GitHub project - ``https://github.com/apache/incubator-singa`` |
| |
| ### Source Code Management |
| * Git - Repository URL - ``https://github.com/apache/incubator-singa`` |
| * Git - Branch Specifier - ``*/master`` |
| |
| ### Build Triggers |
| * Poll SCM - Schedule - ``H/30 * * * *`` (pull every 30 minutes) |
| |
| ### Configuration Matrix |
| * User-defined Axis - name ``lang`` values ``CUDA`` (Add CPP if you want to test CPU code) |
| * Slave - name ``env`` Node/label: tick available nodes |
| |
| ### Build |
| The building script can do the following tasks: |
| |
| * compile and do unit test on GPU |
| Execute shell - command - ``bash -ex tool/jenkins/test.sh`` |
| |
| * update another github repo with the new commits to invoke travis (for cpu test and conda package generation) |
| Execute shell - command - ``git push https://<username:token>@github.com/nusdbsystem/incubator-singa.git -f`` |
| |
| * create conda package and upload it to anaconda cloud |
| Execute shell - command |
| |
| /root/miniconda/bin/conda-build tool/conda/singa |
| /root/miniconda/bin/anaconda -t <ANACONDA_UPLOAD_TOKEN> upload -u nusdbsystem -l main /root/miniconda/linux-64/singa-*.so.*.tar.bz2 --force |
| |
| * (optional) create Debian package |
| Execute shell - command - ``bash -ex tool/debian/build.sh --python --$lang`` |
| |
| ### Post-build Actions |
| * Publish JUnit test result report - Test report XMLs - ``**/gtest.xml, **/unittest.xml`` |
| * (optional) Archive the artifacts - ``build/debian/**.deb`` |
| * Send build artifacts (Debian package) over SSH for wheel |
| * ../debian/build.sh packages the .deb file into $BUILD_ID.tar.gz. Inside the tar file, |
| the folder layout is `build_id/commit_hash/os_lang/*.deb`, where `os_lang` is the combination of os version, device programming language (cuda/cpp/opencl) and cudnn version. |
| * In `Manage Jenkins`-`Configure System`, configure the SSH for connecting to the remote public server and set the target folder location |
| * Source files - `build/debian/*.tar.gz` |
| * Remove prefix - `build/debian |
| * Remote directory - `debian` |
| * Exec a command on the remote server to decompress the package and add a symlink to the latest build. E.g., on a Solaris server the command is |
| |
| cd <target_folder>/debian && gunzip $BUILD_ID.tar.gz && tar xf $BUILD_ID.tar && chmod -R 755 $BUILD_ID && /bin/rm -f $BUILD_ID.tar && /bin/rm -f latest && ln -s $BUILD_ID/* latest |
| |
| * The file links on the remote public server would be like |
| |
| debian/32/84d56b7/ubuntu14.04-cpp/singa-1.0.1.deb |
| debian/32/84d56b7/ubuntu14.04-cuda8.0-cudnn5/singa-1.0.1.deb |
| |
| ### Jenkins Nodes |
| |
| We provide different Singa [Dockerfiles](../docker/README.md) for Jenkins to use as working nodes. |
| |
| To run the docker images, |
| |
| nvidia-docker run --name <node name> -P -d <Image ID> |
| |
| To add the container into a network for easy access |
| |
| docker network create <network name> |
| docker network connect <network name> <node name> |
| |
| After connecting both the jenkins and node contaniners into the same network, we can ssh to the node from jenkins container like |
| |
| |
| # inside jenkins container |
| ssh root@<node name> |
| |
| You need execute the above command manually for the first ssh login. |
| |
| In the Jenkins node configuration page, the container name is used to configure the `Host` field. |
| Notice that Oracle username and account are required to luanch the node by Jenkins. |
| |
| The working nodes (or Docker containers) are configured in Jenkins-Manage Jenkins-Mange Nodes. |
| Each node should configure the following environment variable |
| |
| export CUDA=<cuda version, e.g., 9.0> |
| |
| [Dockerfiles](../conda/docker) are provided to create the working nodes. |
| |
| ## Configure Jenkins for Singa Website Updates |
| |
| ### Description and Configuration |
| |
| This job is triggered upon any changes to the files of the `doc/` folder. |
| It does the following tasks, |
| |
| 1. installs the latest Singa |
| 2. pull the latest source code |
| 3. generate the html files for the documentation |
| 4. update the Singa website |
| |
| The Jenkins job configuration is similar as above except the following fields, |
| |
| * Source Code Management - Git - Additional Behaviors - Include Region `doc/*` |
| * Build - Execute Shell - Command |
| |
| bash -ex tool/jenkins/gen_doc.sh |
| |
| * No `Post-build Actions` |
| |
| ### Jenkins Node |
| |
| The docker images used for testing also be used for document generation. |
| We have to manually configure something inside the docker container. |
| First, we start the container |
| |
| $docker run --name singa-doc -d <docker image> |
| # docker network connect jenkins singa-doc |
| $ docker exec -it singa-doc /bin/bash |
| |
| Next, we do the first commit to the svn repo. |
| |
| $ svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/singa/site/trunk |
| # update ~/.subversion/config to set 'store-password=yes' |
| # to set password free commit, we have to do a manual commit at first. |
| # change any file (add spaces) inside trunk/ to commit a message |
| $ svn commit -m "test" --username <committer id> --password <passwd> |
| |
| ## Access Control |
| Use `Role Strategy Plugin` to give read access for anonymous users. |