tree: 301de3c9d941269a0c2e5557320e8dcc9b0a6f63 [path history] [tgz]
  1. documents/
  2. exp_result_singa/
  3. exps/
  4. scripts/
  5. singa_exp_result_result/
  6. src/
  7. config.ini
  9. init_env
  13. requirement.txt

TRAILS: A Database Native Model Selection System


Config Environments

# Create virtual env
conda config --set ssl_verify false
conda create -n "trails" python=3.8.10
conda activate trails
pip install -r requirement.txt 


# make a dir to store all results. 
mkdir ../exp_data

Reproduce the results


NAS-Bench-Tabular can be either download or build from scratch.

Download NAS-Bench-Tabular

  1. Download the dataset using the following link, and extract them to exp_data

Build NAS-Bench-Tabular

  1. Build the NAS-Bench-Tabular from scratch
# Construct NAS-Bench-Tabular: 
## 1. Training all models.
bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/nas-bench-tabular/
bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/nas-bench-tabular/
bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/nas-bench-tabular/

## 2. Scoring all models using all TFMEMs.
bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/nas-bench-tabular/
bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/nas-bench-tabular/
bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/nas-bench-tabular/
  1. Build the NAS-Bench-Img from scratch

    To facilitate the experiments and query speed (NASBENCH API is slow)

    1. We retrieve all results from NASBENCH API and store them as a json file.
    2. We score all models in NB201 and 28K models in NB101.
    3. We search with EA + Score and record the searching process in terms of run_id, current_explored_model, top_400 highest scored model, time_usage to SQLLite.
# 1. Record NASBENCH API data into json file
## This requires to install nats_bench: pip install nats_bench
bash ./internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/nas-bench-img/

# 2. Scoring all models using all TFMEMs.
nohup bash ./internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/nas-bench-img/ &

# 3. Explore with EA ans score result and store exploring process into SQLLite
bash ./internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/nas-bench-img/

# 4. Generate the baseline. 
bash ./internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/

The following experiment could then query filtering phase results based on run_id.

SLO-Aware 2Phase-MS

With the above NAS-Bench-Tabular, we could run various experiments.

# 1. Generate the results for drawing the figure
## tabular data: training-base-ms
bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/
## tabular data: training-free-ms, 2phase-ms
nohup bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/ &
## image data: training-base-ms, training-free-ms, 2phase-ms
nohup bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/ &

# 2. Draw figure
python internal/ml/model_selection/exps/macro/
python internal/ml/model_selection/exps/macro/


Micro: Benchmark TFMEMs

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:./internal/ml/model_selection
conda activate trails
python ./internal/ml/model_selection/exps/micro/


Micro: Benchmark Budge-Aware Algorithm

bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/


Micro: Benchmark N, K, U

With ranking the models by ther TFMEM score in the filtering phase, we aim to determine

  1. Further examinng more models (K) with each going through less training epoch (U) is more easier to find good model? or examine less but each training more epochs?
  2. How many models to explore (N) and how many to keep (K) ?
bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/

This is the experimental result conducted at the UCI Diabetes datasets. Clearly, expore more models in refinement phase (large K ) is more helpful to find the a better model. Although increasing U can find a better model accurately, it runs more training epochs leading to higher training cost.


Then we fix U=1 for cost efficiency and determine N/K for higher searching effectiveness. Clearly, K/N reaches 100 yields better scheduling result in both image and tabular dataset, thus, we set N/K=100 in coordinator.



Micro: Device Placement & Embedding Cache

  1. To measure the time usage for filtering phase on vairous hardware, run the following

    # Without embedding cache at the filtering phase
    nohup bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/ &
    # With embedding cache at the filtering phase (faster)
    nohup bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/ &
    # Draw graph
    python ./internal/ml/model_selection/exps/micro/
    python ./internal/ml/model_selection/exps/micro/
    python ./internal/ml/model_selection/exps/micro/
    python ./internal/ml/model_selection/exps/micro/
  2. Further we measure the end-2-end latency under two CPU, GPU, and Hybrid.

    nohup bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/ &

Micro: In-DB vs Out-DB filtering phase

# run out-of db, read data via psycopg2
bash ./internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/

# run in-db query, read data via SPI
select benchmark_filtering_latency_in_db(5000, 'frappe', '/project/TRAILS/internal/ml/model_selection/config.ini');

select benchmark_filtering_latency_in_db(5000, 'uci_diabetes', '/project/TRAILS/internal/ml/model_selection/config.ini');

select benchmark_filtering_latency_in_db(5000, 'criteo', '/project/TRAILS/internal/ml/model_selection/config.ini');

Micro: On-the-Fly Data transmission, Refinement

# start cache service
python ./internal/cache-service/ 
python ./internal/cache-service/
# consume from the cache-svc

Reproduce Figure7

python exps/main_v2/analysis/2.\
python exps/main_v2/analysis/3.\


Reproduce Figure8

# draw figure 8(a) 
python exps/main_v2/analysis/
# draw figure 8(b)
python exps/main_v2/analysis/



We compare with Training-Based MS, TabNAS, and training-free MS etc.

For image data, it already generated at the NAS-Bench-Img part, see above.


Here all experiments is on the Frappe dataset.

  1. Computational Costs

    bash ./internal/ml/model_selection/exps/micro/resp/
  2. Search Cost, multiple training-free or training-based combinations (warm-up / movel proposal)

    # get RL, RE, RS + training-based model evaluation
    bash ./internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/
    # this will read previous file, and run warm-up/move proposal, and draw all together
    bash ./internal/ml/model_selection/exps/micro/resp/
  3. How des the K influence the result?

    python ./internal/ml/model_selection/exps/micro/resp/
  4. Nosy in selecting top K models

    python ./internal/ml/model_selection/exps/micro/resp/
  5. Weight-sharing result

    nohup bash internal/ml/model_selection/scripts/ &

Run end2end model selection

download the dataset and put it in the exp_data/data/structure_data

python --budget=100 --dataset=frappe

Check the log at the logs_default

