tree: da04a171e2d60daf2fa887a11920b8f83187aaa4 [path history] [tgz]
  2. conda_build_config.yaml
  3. meta.yaml

Package Singa using conda-build

conda-build is a packaging tool like apt-get, which is associated with anaconda cloud for package management for both python and cpp libraries.

Environment variables

Build string is a part of the conda package specification. We include the cuda and cudnn version in it if Singa is compiled with CUDA enabled.

# for singa with gpu, e.g. cuda8.0-cudnn7.0.5
export BUILD_STR=cudax.y-cudnna.b.c

# for singa running only on cpu
export BUILD_STR=cpu

To package Singa with CUDA and CUDNN,

export CUDNN_PATH=<path to cudnn folder>

this folder should include a subfolder include/cudnn.h for the header file, and another subfolder lib64 for the shared libraries. The BUILD_STR and CUDNN_PATH must be consistent. For example, if CUDNN_PATH is set, then BUILD_STR must be like cudax.y-cudnna.b.c. CUDNN must be provided if we want to compiled Singa with CUDA enabled.


After exporting the environment variables, execute the following command to compile Singa and package it

conda-build .  --python 3.6  (or 2.7)

You will see the package path from the screen output.

To clean the cache

conda clean -ay