This is an example of federated learning (FL) using the Singa framework. In FL, there is a server and a set of clients. Each client has a local dataset. In each iteration, each client trains the model using its local dataset and uploads the model gradient to the server, which aggregates to get the global gradient using the Federated Average algorithm. The server sends the global gradient to all clients for iterative model training. This example uses the Bank dataset and an MLP model in FL.
Go to the Conda environment that contains the Singa library, and install the required libraries.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the bank dataset and split it into 3 partitions.
# 1. download the data from # 2. put it under the /data folder # 3. run the following command which: # (1) splits the dataset into N subsets # (2) splits each subsets into train set and test set (8:2) python -m bank 3
Run the server first (set the maximum number of epochs to 3 by the “-m” parameter)
python -m src.server -m 3 --num_clients 3
Then, start 3 clients in different terminals (similarly set the maximum number of epochs to 3)
python -m src.client --model mlp --data bank -m 3 -i 0 -d non-iid python -m src.client --model mlp --data bank -m 3 -i 1 -d non-iid python -m src.client --model mlp --data bank -m 3 -i 2 -d non-iid
Finally, the server and clients finish the FL training.