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# Layers
Layer is a core abstraction in SINGA. It performs a variety of feature
transformations for extracting high-level features, e.g., loading raw features,
parsing RGB values, doing convolution transformation, etc.
The *Basic user guide* section introduces the configuration of a built-in
layer. *Advanced user guide* explains how to extend the base Layer class to
implement users' functions.
## Basic user guide
### Layer configuration
Configuration of two example layers are shown below,
layer {
name: "data"
type: kCSVRecord
store_conf { }
name: "fc1"
type: kInnerProduct
srclayers: "data"
innerproduct_conf{ }
param{ }
There are some common fields for all kinds of layers:
* `name`: a string used to differentiate two layers in a neural net.
* `type`: an integer used for identifying a specific Layer subclass. The types of built-in
layers are listed in LayerType (defined in job.proto).
For user-defined layer subclasses, `user_type` should be used instead of `type`.
* `srclayers`: names of the source layers.
In SINGA, all connections are [converted](neural-net.html) to directed connections.
* `param`: configuration for a [Param](param.html) instance.
There can be multiple Param objects in one layer.
Different layers may have different configurations. These configurations
are defined in `<type>_conf`. E.g., "fc1" layer has
`innerproduct_conf`. The subsequent sections
explain the functionality of each built-in layer and how to configure it.
### Built-in Layer subclasses
SINGA has provided many built-in layers, which can be used directly to create neural nets.
These layers are categorized according to their functionalities,
* Input layers for loading records (e.g., images) from disk files, HDFS or network into memory.
* Neuron layers for feature transformation, e.g., [convolution](../api/classsinga_1_1ConvolutionLayer.html), [pooling](../api/classsinga_1_1PoolingLayer.html), dropout, etc.
* Loss layers for measuring the training objective loss, e.g., Cross Entropy loss or Euclidean loss.
* Output layers for outputting the prediction results (e.g., probabilities of each category) or features into persistent storage, e.g., disk or HDFS.
* Connection layers for connecting layers when the neural net is partitioned.
#### Input layers
Input layers load training/test data from disk or other places (e.g., HDFS or network)
into memory.
##### StoreInputLayer
[StoreInputLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1StoreInputLayer.html) is a base layer for
loading data from data store. The data store can be a KVFile or TextFile (LMDB,
LevelDB, HDFS, etc., will be supported later). Its `ComputeFeature` function reads
batchsize (string:key, string:value) tuples. Each tuple is parsed by a `Parse` function
implemented by its subclasses.
The configuration for this layer is in `store_conf`,
store_conf {
backend: # "kvfile" or "textfile"
path: # path to the data store
batchsize : 32
prefetching: true #default value is false
##### SingleLabelRecordLayer
It is a subclass of StoreInputLayer. It assumes the (key, value) tuple loaded
from a data store contains a feature vector (and a label) for one data instance.
All feature vectors are of the same fixed length. The shape of one instance
is configured through the `shape` field, e.g., the following configuration
specifies the shape for the CIFAR10 images.
store_conf {
shape: 3 #channels
shape: 32 #height
shape: 32 #width
It may do some preprocessing like [standardization](
The data for preprocessing is loaded by and parsed in a virtual function, which is implemented by
its subclasses.
##### RecordInputLayer
It is a subclass of SingleLabelRecordLayer. It parses the value field from one
tuple into a RecordProto, which is generated by Google Protobuf according
to common.proto. It can be used to store features for images (e.g., using the pixel field)
or other objects (using the data field). The key field is not parsed.
type: kRecordInput
store_conf {
has_label: # default is true
##### CSVInputLayer
It is a subclass of SingleLabelRecordLayer. The value field from one tuple is parsed
as a CSV line (separated by comma). The first number would be parsed as a label if
`has_label` is configured in `store_conf`. Otherwise, all numbers would be parsed
into one row of the `data_` Blob.
type: kCSVInput
store_conf {
has_label: # default is true
##### ImagePreprocessLayer
This layer does image preprocessing, e.g., cropping, mirroring and scaling, against
the data Blob from its source layer. It deprecates the RGBImageLayer which
works on the Record from ShardDataLayer. It still uses the same configuration as
type: kImagePreprocess
rgbimage_conf {
scale: float
cropsize: int # cropping each image to keep the central part with this size
mirror: bool # mirror the image by set image[i,j]=image[i,len-j]
meanfile: "Image_Mean_File_Path"
##### ShardDataLayer (Deprected)
Deprected! Please use ProtoRecordInputLayer or CSVRecordInputLayer.
[ShardDataLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1ShardDataLayer.html) is a subclass of DataLayer,
which reads Records from disk file. The file should be created using
class. With the data file prepared, users configure the layer as
type: kShardData
sharddata_conf {
path: "path to data shard folder"
batchsize: int
random_skip: int
`batchsize` specifies the number of records to be trained for one mini-batch.
The first `rand() % random_skip` `Record`s will be skipped at the first
iteration. This is to enforce that different workers work on different Records.
##### LMDBDataLayer (Deprected)
Deprected! Please use ProtoRecordInputLayer or CSVRecordInputLayer.
[LMDBDataLayer] is similar to ShardDataLayer, except that the Records are
loaded from LMDB.
type: kLMDBData
lmdbdata_conf {
path: "path to LMDB folder"
batchsize: int
random_skip: int
##### ParserLayer (Deprected)
Deprected! Please use ProtoRecordInputLayer or CSVRecordInputLayer.
It get a vector of Records from DataLayer and parse features into
a Blob.
virtual void ParseRecords(Phase phase, const vector<Record>& records, Blob<float>* blob) = 0;
##### LabelLayer (Deprected)
Deprected! Please use ProtoRecordInputLayer or CSVRecordInputLayer.
[LabelLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1LabelLayer.html) is a subclass of ParserLayer.
It parses a single label from each Record. Consequently, it
will put $b$ (mini-batch size) values into the Blob. It has no specific configuration fields.
##### MnistImageLayer (Deprected)
Deprected! Please use ProtoRecordInputLayer or CSVRecordInputLayer.
[MnistImageLayer] is a subclass of ParserLayer. It parses the pixel values of
each image from the MNIST dataset. The pixel
values may be normalized as `x/norm_a - norm_b`. For example, if `norm_a` is
set to 255 and `norm_b` is set to 0, then every pixel will be normalized into
[0, 1].
type: kMnistImage
mnistimage_conf {
norm_a: float
norm_b: float
##### RGBImageLayer (Deprected)
Deprected! Please use the ImagePreprocessLayer.
[RGBImageLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1RGBImageLayer.html) is a subclass of ParserLayer.
It parses the RGB values of one image from each Record. It may also
apply some transformations, e.g., cropping, mirroring operations. If the
`meanfile` is specified, it should point to a path that contains one Record for
the mean of each pixel over all training images.
type: kRGBImage
rgbimage_conf {
scale: float
cropsize: int # cropping each image to keep the central part with this size
mirror: bool # mirror the image by set image[i,j]=image[i,len-j]
meanfile: "Image_Mean_File_Path"
##### PrefetchLayer
[PrefetchLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1PrefetchLayer.html) embeds other input layers
to do data prefeching. It will launch a thread to call the embedded layers to load and extract features.
It ensures that the I/O task and computation task can work simultaneously.
One example PrefetchLayer configuration is,
layer {
name: "prefetch"
type: kPrefetch
sublayers {
name: "data"
type: kShardData
sharddata_conf { }
sublayers {
name: "rgb"
type: kRGBImage
rgbimage_conf { }
sublayers {
name: "label"
type: kLabel
srclayers: "data"
The layers on top of the PrefetchLayer should use the name of the embedded
layers as their source layers. For example, the "rgb" and "label" should be
configured to the `srclayers` of other layers.
#### Output Layers
Output layers get data from their source layers and write them to persistent storage,
e.g., disk files or HDFS (to be supported).
##### RecordOutputLayer
This layer gets data (and label if it is available) from its source layer and converts it into records of type
RecordProto. Records are written as (key = instance No., value = serialized record) tuples into Store, e.g., KVFile. The configuration of this layer
should include the specifics of the Store backend via `store_conf`.
layer {
name: "output"
type: kRecordOutput
store_conf {
backend: "kvfile"
##### CSVOutputLayer
This layer gets data (and label if it available) from its source layer and converts it into
a string per instance with fields separated by commas (i.e., CSV format). The shape information
is not kept in the string. All strings are written into
Store, e.g., text file. The configuration of this layer should include the specifics of the Store backend via `store_conf`.
layer {
name: "output"
type: kCSVOutput
store_conf {
backend: "textfile"
#### Neuron Layers
Neuron layers conduct feature transformations.
#### ActivationLayer
type: kActivation
activation_conf {
##### ConvolutionLayer
[ConvolutionLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1ConvolutionLayer.html) conducts convolution transformation.
type: kConvolution
convolution_conf {
num_filters: int
kernel: int
stride: int
pad: int
param { } # weight/filter matrix
param { } # bias vector
The int value `num_filters` stands for the count of the applied filters; the int
value `kernel` stands for the convolution kernel size (equal width and height);
the int value `stride` stands for the distance between the successive filters;
the int value `pad` pads each with a given int number of pixels border of
##### InnerProductLayer
[InnerProductLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1InnerProductLayer.html) is fully connected with its (single) source layer.
Typically, it has two parameter fields, one for weight matrix, and the other
for bias vector. It rotates the feature of the source layer (by multiplying with weight matrix) and
shifts it (by adding the bias vector).
type: kInnerProduct
innerproduct_conf {
num_output: int
param { } # weight matrix
param { } # bias vector
##### PoolingLayer
[PoolingLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1PoolingLayer.html) is used to do a normalization (or averaging or sampling) of the
feature vectors from the source layer.
type: kPooling
pooling_conf {
pool: AVE|MAX // Choose whether use the Average Pooling or Max Pooling
kernel: int // size of the kernel filter
pad: int // the padding size
stride: int // the step length of the filter
The pooling layer has two methods: Average Pooling and Max Pooling.
Use the enum AVE and MAX to choose the method.
* Max Pooling selects the max value for each filtering area as a point of the
result feature blob.
* Average Pooling averages all values for each filtering area at a point of the
result feature blob.
##### ReLULayer
[ReLuLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1ReLULayer.html) has rectified linear neurons, which conducts the following
transformation, `f(x) = Max(0, x)`. It has no specific configuration fields.
##### STanhLayer
[STanhLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1TanhLayer.html) uses the scaled tanh as activation function, i.e., `f(x)=1.7159047* tanh(0.6666667 * x)`.
It has no specific configuration fields.
##### SigmoidLayer
[SigmoidLayer] uses the sigmoid (or logistic) as activation function, i.e.,
`f(x)=sigmoid(x)`. It has no specific configuration fields.
##### Dropout Layer
[DropoutLayer](../api/asssinga_1_1DropoutLayer.html) is a layer that randomly dropouts some inputs.
This scheme helps deep learning model away from over-fitting.
type: kDropout
dropout_conf {
dropout_ratio: float # dropout probability
##### LRNLayer
[LRNLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1LRNLayer.html), (Local Response Normalization), normalizes over the channels.
type: kLRN
lrn_conf {
local_size: int
alpha: float // scaling parameter
beta: float // exponential number
`local_size` specifies the quantity of the adjoining channels which will be summed up.
For `WITHIN_CHANNEL`, it means the side length of the space region which will be summed up.
### CuDNN layers
CuDNN v3 and v4 are supported in SINGA, which include the following layers,
* CudnnActivationLayer (activation functions are SIGMOID, TANH, RELU)
* CudnnConvLayer
* CudnnLRNLayer
* CudnnPoolLayer
* CudnnSoftmaxLayer
These layers have the same configuration as the corresponding CPU layers.
For CuDNN v4, the batch normalization layer is added, which is named as
#### Loss Layers
Loss layers measures the objective training loss.
##### SoftmaxLossLayer
[SoftmaxLossLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1SoftmaxLossLayer.html) is a combination of the Softmax transformation and
Cross-Entropy loss. It applies Softmax firstly to get a prediction probability
for each output unit (neuron) and compute the cross-entropy against the ground truth.
It is generally used as the final layer to generate labels for classification tasks.
type: kSoftmaxLoss
softmaxloss_conf {
topk: int
The configuration field `topk` is for selecting the labels with `topk`
probabilities as the prediction results. It is tedious for users to view the
prediction probability of every label.
#### ConnectionLayer
Subclasses of ConnectionLayer are utility layers that connects other layers due
to neural net partitioning or other cases.
##### ConcateLayer
[ConcateLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1ConcateLayer.html) connects more than one source layers to concatenate their feature
blob along given dimension.
type: kConcate
concate_conf {
concate_dim: int // define the dimension
##### SliceLayer
[SliceLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1SliceLayer.html) connects to more than one destination layers to slice its feature
blob along given dimension.
type: kSlice
slice_conf {
slice_dim: int
##### SplitLayer
[SplitLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1SplitLayer.html) connects to more than one destination layers to replicate its
feature blob.
type: kSplit
split_conf {
num_splits: int
##### BridgeSrcLayer & BridgeDstLayer
[BridgeSrcLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1BridgeSrcLayer.html) &
[BridgeDstLayer](../api/classsinga_1_1BridgeDstLayer.html) are utility layers assisting data (e.g., feature or
gradient) transferring due to neural net partitioning. These two layers are
added implicitly. Users typically do not need to configure them in their neural
net configuration.
### OutputLayer
It write the prediction results or the extracted features into file, HTTP stream
or other places. Currently SINGA has not implemented any specific output layer.
## Advanced user guide
The base Layer class is introduced in this section, followed by how to
implement a new Layer subclass.
### Base Layer class
#### Members
LayerProto layer_conf_;
vector<Blob<float>> datavec_, gradvec_;
vector<AuxType> aux_data_;
The base layer class keeps the user configuration in `layer_conf_`.
`datavec_` stores the features associated with this layer.
There are layers without feature vectors; instead, they share the data from
source layers.
The `gradvec_` is for storing the gradients of the
objective loss w.r.t. the `datavec_`. The `aux_data_` stores the auxiliary data, e.g., image label (set `AuxType` to int).
If images have variant number of labels, the AuxType can be defined to `vector<int>`.
Currently, we hard code `AuxType` to int. It will be added as a template argument of Layer class later.
If a layer has parameters, these parameters are declared using type
[Param](param.html). Since some layers do not have
parameters, we do not declare any `Param` in the base layer class.
#### Functions
virtual void Setup(const LayerProto& conf, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers);
virtual void ComputeFeature(int flag, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) = 0;
virtual void ComputeGradient(int flag, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) = 0;
The `Setup` function reads user configuration, i.e. `conf`, and information
from source layers, e.g., mini-batch size, to set the
shape of the `data_` (and `grad_`) field as well
as some other layer specific fields.
Memory will not be allocated until computation over the data structure happens.
The `ComputeFeature` function evaluates the feature blob by transforming (e.g.
convolution and pooling) features from the source layers. `ComputeGradient`
computes the gradients of parameters associated with this layer. These two
functions are invoked by the [TrainOneBatch](train-one-batch.html)
function during training. Hence, they should be consistent with the
`TrainOneBatch` function. Particularly, for feed-forward and RNN models, they are
trained using [BP algorithm](train-one-batch.html#back-propagation),
which requires each layer's `ComputeFeature`
function to compute `data_` based on source layers, and requires each layer's
`ComputeGradient` to compute gradients of parameters and source layers'
`grad_`. For energy models, e.g., RBM, they are trained by
[CD algorithm](train-one-batch.html#contrastive-divergence), which
requires each layer's `ComputeFeature` function to compute the feature vectors
for the positive phase or negative phase depending on the `phase` argument, and
requires the `ComputeGradient` function to only compute parameter gradients.
For some layers, e.g., loss layer or output layer, they can put the loss or
prediction result into the `metric` argument, which will be averaged and
displayed periodically.
### Implementing a new Layer subclass
Users can extend the Layer class or other subclasses to implement their own feature transformation
logics as long as the two virtual functions are overridden to be consistent with
the `TrainOneBatch` function. The `Setup` function may also be overridden to
read specific layer configuration.
The [RNNLM](rnn.html) provides a couple of user-defined layers. You can refer to them as examples.
#### Layer specific protocol message
To implement a new layer, the first step is to define the layer specific
configuration. Suppose the new layer is `FooLayer`, the layer specific
google protocol message `FooLayerProto` should be defined as
# in user.proto
package singa
import "job.proto"
message FooLayerProto {
optional int32 a = 1; // specific fields to the FooLayer
In addition, users need to extend the original `LayerProto` (defined in job.proto of SINGA)
to include the `foo_conf` as follows.
extend LayerProto {
optional FooLayerProto foo_conf = 101; // unique field id, reserved for extensions
If there are multiple new layers, then each layer that has specific
configurations would have a `<type>_conf` field and takes one unique extension number.
SINGA has reserved enough extension numbers, e.g., starting from 101 to 1000.
# job.proto of SINGA
LayerProto {
extensions 101 to 1000;
With user.proto defined, users can use
[protoc]( to generate the ``
and `user.pb.h` files. In users' code, the extension fields can be accessed via,
auto conf = layer_proto_.GetExtension(foo_conf);
int a = conf.a();
When defining configurations of the new layer (in job.conf), users should use
`user_type` for its layer type instead of `type`. In addition, `foo_conf`
should be enclosed in brackets.
layer {
name: "foo"
user_type: "kFooLayer" # Note user_type of user-defined layers is string
[foo_conf] { # Note there is a pair of [] for extension fields
a: 10
#### New Layer subclass declaration
The new layer subclass can be implemented like the built-in layer subclasses.
class FooLayer : public singa::Layer {
void Setup(const LayerProto& conf, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) override;
void ComputeFeature(int flag, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) override;
void ComputeGradient(int flag, const vector<Layer*>& srclayers) override;
// members
Users must override the two virtual functions to be called by the
`TrainOneBatch` for either BP or CD algorithm. Typically, the `Setup` function
will also be overridden to initialize some members. The user configured fields
can be accessed through `layer_conf_` as shown in the above paragraphs.
#### New Layer subclass registration
The newly defined layer should be registered in []( by adding
driver.RegisterLayer<FooLayer, std::string>("kFooLayer"); // "kFooLayer" should be matched to layer configurations in job.conf.
After that, the [NeuralNet](neural-net.html) can create instances of the new Layer subclass.