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# Using HDFS with SINGA
This guide explains how to make use of HDFS as the data store for SINGA jobs.
1. [Quick start using Docker](#quickstart)
2. [Setup HDFS](#hdfs)
3. [Examples](#examples)
<a name="quickstart"></a>
## Quick start using Docker
We provide a Docker container built on top of `singa/mesos` (see the <a href="">guide on building SINGA on Docker</a>).
git clone
cd incubator-singa
git checkout SINGA-97-docker
cd tool/docker/hdfs
sudo docker build -t singa/hdfs .
Once built, the container image `singa/hdfs` contains the installation of HDFS C++ library (`libhdfs3`) and the latest SINGA code. Many distributed nodes can be launched, and HDFS be set up, by following the <a href="">guide for running distributed SINGA on Mesos</a>.
In the following, we assume the HDFS setup with `node0` being the namenode, and `nodei (i>0)` being the datanodes.
<a name="hdfs"></a>
## Setup HDFS
There are at least 2 C/C++ client libraries for interacting with HDFS. One is from Hadoop (`libhdfs`), which is a <a href="">JNI-based library</a>, meaning that communication will go through JVM. The other is `libhdfs3` which is a <a href="">native C++ library developed by Pivotal</a>, in which the client communicate directly with HDFS via RPC. The current implementation uses the second one.
1. Install `libhdfs3`: follow the <a href="">official guide</a>.
2. **Additional setup**: recent versions of Hadoop (>2.4.x) support short-circuit local reads which bypass network communications (TCP sockets) when retrieving data at the local nodes. `libhdfs3` will throws errors (but will still continue to work) when it finds that short-circuit read is not set. To deal with this complaints, and improve performance, add the following configuration to `hdfs-site.xml` **and to `hdfs-client.xml`**
Next, at each client, set `LIBHDFS3_CONF` variable to point to `hdfs-client.xml` file:
export LIBHDFS3_CONF=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/hdfs-client.xml
<a name="examples"></a>
## Examples
We explain how to run CIFAR10 and MNIST examples. Before training, the data must be uploaded to HDFS.
### CIFAR10
1. Upload the data to HDFS (done at any of the HDFS nodes)
* Change `job.conf` to use HDFS: in `examples/cifar10/job.conf`, set `backend` property to `hdfsfile`
* Create and upload data:
cd examples/cifar10
cp Makefile.example Makefile
make create
hadoop dfs -mkdir /examples/cifar10
hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal cifar-10-batches-bin /examples/cifar10/
If successful, the files should be seen in HDFS via `hadoop dfs -ls /examples/cifar10`
2. Training:
* Make sure `conf/singa.conf` has correct path to Zookeeper service:
zookeeper_host: "node0:2181"
* Make sure `job.conf` has correct paths to the train and test datasets:
// train layer
path: "hdfs://node0:9000/examples/cifar10/train_data.bin"
mean_file: "hdfs://node0:9000/examples/cifar10/image_mean.bin"
// test layer
path: "hdfs://node0:9000/examples/cifar10/test_data.bin"
mean_file: "hdfs://node0:9000/examples/cifar10/image_mean.bin"
* Start training: execute the following command at every node
./singa -conf examples/cifar10/job.conf -singa_conf singa.conf -singa_job 0
1. Upload the data to HDFS (done at any of the HDFS nodes)
* Change `job.conf` to use HDFS: in `examples/mnist/job.conf`, set `backend` property to `hdfsfile`
* Create and upload data:
cd examples/mnist
cp Makefile.example Makefile
make create
make compile
./create_data.bin train-images-idx3-ubyte train-labels-idx1-ubyte hdfs://node0:9000/examples/mnist/train_data.bin
./create_data.bin t10k-images-idx3-ubyte t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte hdfs://node0:9000/examples/mnist/test_data.bin
If successful, the files should be seen in HDFS via `hadoop dfs -ls /examples/mnist`
2. Training:
* Make sure `conf/singa.conf` has correct path to Zookeeper service:
zookeeper_host: "node0:2181"
* Make sure `job.conf` has correct paths to the train and test datasets:
// train layer
path: "hdfs://node0:9000/examples/mnist/train_data.bin"
// test layer
path: "hdfs://node0:9000/examples/mnist/test_data.bin"
* Start training: execute the following command at every node
./singa -conf examples/mnist/job.conf -singa_conf singa.conf -singa_job 0