title: Release Version 3.0.0 author: Apache SINGA authorURL: https://twitter.com/ApacheSINGA

Apache SINGA V3.0.0 is released on April 18, 2020. This is the first official release since SINGA became the first Top-Level Apache project. There are three major features added in this release.

First, a new Python class Module is introduced. New models (neural networks) can be implemented by inheriting it. The benefit is that SINGA will create a computational graph at the backend for speed and memory optimization.

Second, the soonx module is enhanced to support more ONNX operators. Multiple ONNX models have been tested for training and inference using SINGA.

Last, communication optimization for distributed training, including gradient sparsification and compression. NCCL is integrated as the communication library.

Please check the overview page and detailed guides.