blob: 8be788863d226cd2c5e9a9eefed1884417592325 [file] [log] [blame]
Configuration file: The website/siteConfig.js file
is the main configuration file used by Docusaurus.
// See for all the possible
// site configuration options.
const repoUrl = ''
// List of projects/orgs using your project for the users page.
const users = [
caption: 'User1',
// You will need to prepend the image path with your baseUrl
// if it is not '/', like: '/test-site/img/image.jpg'.
image: '/img/undraw_open_source.svg',
infoLink: '',
pinned: true,
const siteConfig = {
title: 'Apache SINGA', // Title for your website.
tagline: 'Distributed deep learning system',
url: '', // Your website URL
baseUrl: '/', // Base URL for your project */
// For type URLs, you would set the url and baseUrl like:
// url: '',
// baseUrl: '/test-site/',
// Used for publishing and more
projectName: 'website-for-apache-singa',
organizationName: 'Apache-AND-DB-System-NUS',
// For top-level user or org sites, the organization is still the same.
// e.g., for the site, it would be set like...
// organizationName: 'JoelMarcey'
// For no header links in the top nav bar -> headerLinks: [],
headerLinks: [
{doc: 'Documentation/installation', label: 'Docs'},
{doc: 'doc4', label: 'API'},
{page: 'help', label: 'Help'},
{blog: true, label: 'News'},
{href: repoUrl, label: 'GitHub'},
//{search: true},
// If you have users set above, you add it here:
/* path to images for header/footer */
headerIcon: 'img/singa-logo.png',
footerIcon: 'img/singa-logo-square.png',
favicon: 'img/favicon.ico',
/* Colors for website */
colors: {
primaryColor: "#1A2B34",
secondaryColor: "#808080" // 2nd layer of toolbar in smaller screen
/* Custom fonts for website */
fonts: {
myFont: [
"Times New Roman",
myOtherFont: [
// This copyright info is used in /core/Footer.js and blog RSS/Atom feeds.
copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Apache SINGA`,
highlight: {
// Highlight.js theme to use for syntax highlighting in code blocks.
theme: 'default',
// Add custom scripts here that would be placed in <script> tags.
scripts: [''],
// On page navigation for the current documentation page.
onPageNav: 'separate',
// No .html extensions for paths.
cleanUrl: true,
// Open Graph and Twitter card images.
ogImage: 'img/undraw_online.svg',
twitterImage: 'img/undraw_tweetstorm.svg',
// For sites with a sizable amount of content, set collapsible to true.
// Expand/collapse the links and subcategories under categories.
// docsSideNavCollapsible: true,
// Show documentation's last contributor's name.
// enableUpdateBy: true,
// Show documentation's last update time.
// enableUpdateTime: true,
// You may provide arbitrary config keys to be used as needed by your
// template. For example, if you need your repo's URL...
// repoUrl: '',
module.exports = siteConfig;