id: half-precision title: Half Precision

Half precision training could bring benefits:

  • using less GPU memory, supporting larger network.
  • training faster.

Half data type

Half data type definition

The IEEE 754 standard specifies a binary16 as having the following format: Sign bit: 1 bit Exponent width: 5 bits Significand precision: 11 bits (10 explicitly stored)

Half data type operation

Load data in fp32 and easily convert to fp16 by casting.

>>> from singa import tensor, device
>>> dev = device.create_cuda_gpu()
>>> x = tensor.random((2,3),dev)
>>> x
[[0.7703407  0.42764223 0.5872884 ]
 [0.78362167 0.70469785 0.64975065]], float32
>>> y = x.as_type(tensor.float16)
>>> y
[[0.7705 0.4277 0.5874]
 [0.7837 0.7046 0.65  ]], float16

Primary operations are supported in fp16.

>>> y+y
[[1.541  0.8555 1.175 ]
 [1.567  1.409  1.3   ]], float16

Training in Half

Training in Half three step

Training in half precision could be done easily in three steps:

  1. Load data and convert to half
  2. Set data type of optimizer
  3. Train model as usual
# cast input data to fp16
x = load_data()
x = x.astype(np.float16)
tx = tensor.from_numpy(x)

# load model
model = build_model()
# set optimizer dtype to fp16
sgd = opt.SGD(lr=0.1, dtype=tensor.float16)

# train as usual
out, loss = model(tx, ty)


An example script is, run below command to train in half.

python examples/cnn/ cnn mnist -pfloat16


Half Type Dependency

This half implementation is integrated in C++ backend as general half type support.

To run on GPU, __half is available in Cuda math API. To support __half math operation, it is required to compile against Nvidia compute arch > 6.0 (Pascal).

Nvidia Hardware Acceleration: Tensor Core

Tensor Core released by Nvidia further accelerates half precision and multiples throughput for operations like GEMM(CuBlas) and convolution(CuDNN). To enable Tensor core operation, there are a few restriction on GEMM dimensions, convolution channel size, Cuda version, and GPU version(Turing or later) and etc.

Implement Operations

Half operations are primarily implemented in tensor_math_cuda.h, by specializing operation template with half type and implementation the low level computation.

For example, GEMM operation is implemented as:

template <>
void GEMM<half_float::half, lang::Cuda>(const half_float::half alpha,
                                        const Tensor& A, const Tensor& B,
                                        const half_float::half beta, Tensor* C,
                                        Context* ctx) {
  // ...
  CUBLAS_CHECK(cublasGemmEx(handle, transb, transa, ncolB, nrowA, ncolA,
                           alphaPtr, BPtr, Btype, ldb, APtr, Atype, lda,
                           betaPtr, CPtr, Ctype, ldc, computeType, algo));
  // ...