id: graph title: Model

The forward and backward propagation in a neural network can be represented using a set of operations such as convolution and pooling. Each operation takes some input tensors and applies an operator to generate output tensors. By representing each operator as a node and each tensor as an edge, all operations form a computational graph. With the computational graph, speed and memory optimization can be conducted by scheduling the execution of the operations and memory allocation/release intelligently. In SINGA, users only need to define the neural network model using the Model API. The graph is constructed and optimized at the C++ backend automatically.

In this way, on the one hand, users implement a network using the Model API following the imperative programming style like PyTorch. Different from PyTorch which recreates the operations in every iteration, SINGA buffers the operations to create a computational graph implicitly (when this feature is enabled) after the first iteration. Therefore, on the other hand, SINGA has a similar computational graph as the one created by libraries using declarative programming, e.g., TensorFlow. Consequently, it can enjoy the optimizations done over the graph.


The following code illustrates the usage of the Model API.

  1. Implement the new model as a subclass of the Model class.
class CNN(model.Model):

    def __init__(self, num_classes=10, num_channels=1):
        super(CNN, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = layer.Conv2d(num_channels, 20, 5, padding=0, activation="RELU")
        self.conv2 = layer.Conv2d(20, 50, 5, padding=0, activation="RELU")
        self.linear1 = layer.Linear(500)
        self.linear2 = layer.Linear(num_classes)
        self.pooling1 = layer.MaxPool2d(2, 2, padding=0)
        self.pooling2 = layer.MaxPool2d(2, 2, padding=0)
        self.relu = layer.ReLU()
        self.flatten = layer.Flatten()
        self.softmax_cross_entropy = layer.SoftMaxCrossEntropy()

    def forward(self, x):
        y = self.conv1(x)
        y = self.pooling1(y)
        y = self.conv2(y)
        y = self.pooling2(y)
        y = self.flatten(y)
        y = self.linear1(y)
        y = self.relu(y)
        y = self.linear2(y)
        return y

    def train_one_batch(self, x, y):
        out = self.forward(x)
        loss = self.softmax_cross_entropy(out, y)
        return out, loss
  1. Create an instance of model, optimizer, device, etc. Compile the model
model = CNN()

# initialize optimizer and attach it to the model
sgd = opt.SGD(lr=0.005, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=1e-5)

# initialize device
dev = device.create_cuda_gpu()

# input and target placeholders for the model
tx = tensor.Tensor((batch_size, 1, IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE), dev, tensor.float32)
ty = tensor.Tensor((batch_size, num_classes), dev, tensor.int32)

# compile the model before training
model.compile([tx], is_train=True, use_graph=True, sequential=False)
  1. Train the model iteratively
for b in range(num_train_batch):
    # generate the next mini-batch
    x, y = ...

    # Copy the data into input tensors

    # Training with one batch
    out, loss = model(tx, ty)

A Google Colab notebook of this example is available here.

More examples:


Graph Construction

SINGA constructs the computational graph in three steps:

  1. buffer the operations
  2. analyze the dependencies operations
  3. create the nodes and edges based on the dependencies

Take the matrix multiplication operation from the dense layer of a MLP model as an example. The operation is called in the forward function of the MLP class

class MLP(model.Model):

    def __init__(self, data_size=10, perceptron_size=100, num_classes=10):
        super(MLP, self).__init__()
        self.linear1 = layer.Linear(perceptron_size)

    def forward(self, inputs):
        y = self.linear1(inputs)

The Linear layer is composed of the mutmul operator. autograd implements the matmul operator by calling the function Mult exposed from CPP via SWIG.

# implementation of matmul()
singa.Mult(inputs, w)

At the backend, the Mult function is implemented by calling GEMV a CBLAS function. Instead of calling GEMV directly, Mult submits GEMV and the arguments to the device as follows,

// implementation of Mult()
    [a, A, b, B, CRef](Context *ctx) mutable {
        GEMV<DType, Lang>(a, A, B, b, &CRef, ctx);
    read_blocks, {C->block()});

The Exec function of Device buffers the function and its arguments. In addition, it also has the information about the blocks (a block is a chunk of memory for a tensor) to be read and written by this function.

Once Model.forward() has been executed once, all operations are buffered by Device. Next, the read/write information of all operations are analyzed to create the computational graph. For example, if a block b is written by one operation O1 and is later read by another operation O2, we would know O2 depends on O1 and there is a directed edge from A to B, which represents block b (or its tensor). After that a directed acyclic graph is constructed as shown below. The graph is constructed once.

The computational graph of MLP

Figure 1 - The computational graph of the MLP example.


Currently, the following optimizations are done based on the computational graph.

Lazy allocation When tensor/blocks are created, devices do not allocate memory for them immediately. Instead, when the block is accessed for the first time, the memory is allocated.

Automatic recycling The reference count of each tensor/block is calculated based on the graph. Before executing the operations, the reference count is the number of operations that read this block. During the execution, once an operation is executed, the reference count of the every input block is decreased by 1. If one block's reference count reaches 0, it means that this block will not be read again in the remaining operations. Therefore, its memory can be released safely. In addition, SINGA tracks the usage of the block outside of the graph. If a block is used by Python code (not by autograd operators), it will not be recycled.

Memory sharing SINGA uses memory pool, e.g., CnMem to manage CUDA memory. With Automatic recycling and memory pool, SINGA can share the memory among tensors. Consider two operations c = a + b and d=2xc. Before executing the second operation, according to Lazy allocation, the memory of d should be allocated. Suppose a is not used in the rest operations. According to Automatic recycling, the block of a will be released after the first operation. Therefore, SINGA would submit four operations to the CUDA stream: addition, free a, malloc b, and multiplication. The memory pool is then able to share the memory released by a with b instead of ask the GPU to do real malloc for b.

Other optimization techniques e.g., from compliers, such as common sub-expression elimination and parallelizing operations on different CUDA streams can also be applied.

New Operator

Each operator defined in autograd module implements two functions: forward and backward, which are implemented by calling the operators from the backend. To add a new operator in autograd, you need to add the multiple operators at the backend.

Take the Conv2d operator as an example, at the Python side, the forward and backward function are implemented by calling the operators from the backend depending on the device type.

class _Conv2d(Operation):

    def forward(self, x, W, b=None):
        if training:
            if self.handle.bias_term:
                self.inputs = (x, W, b) # record x, W, b
                self.inputs = (x, W)

        if (type(self.handle) != singa.ConvHandle):
            return singa.GpuConvForward(x, W, b, self.handle)
            return singa.CpuConvForward(x, W, b, self.handle)

    def backward(self, dy):
        if (type(self.handle) != singa.ConvHandle):
            dx = singa.GpuConvBackwardx(dy, self.inputs[1], self.inputs[0],
            dW = singa.GpuConvBackwardW(dy, self.inputs[0], self.inputs[1],
            db = singa.GpuConvBackwardb(
                dy, self.inputs[2],
                self.handle) if self.handle.bias_term else None
            dx = singa.CpuConvBackwardx(dy, self.inputs[1], self.inputs[0],
            dW = singa.CpuConvBackwardW(dy, self.inputs[0], self.inputs[1],
            db = singa.CpuConvBackwardb(
                dy, self.inputs[2],
                self.handle) if self.handle.bias_term else None
        if db:
            return dx, dW, db
            return dx, dW

For each operator at the backend, it should be implemented in the following way:

  • Suppose the operator is foo(); its real implementation should be wrapped in another function e.g., _foo(). foo() passes _foo together with the arguments as a lambda function to Device's Exec function for buffering. The blocks to be read and written are also passed to Exec.

  • All arguments used in the lambda expression need to be captured according to the following rules.

    • capture by value: If the argument variable is a local variable or will be immediately released (e.g. intermediate tensors). Otherwise, these variables will be destroyed once foo() exists.

    • capture by reference:If the variable is recorded on the python side or a persistent variable (e.g. parameter W and ConvHand in the Conv2d class).

    • mutable: The lambda expression should have the mutable tag if a variable captured by value is modified in _foo()

Here is one example operator implemented at the backend.

Tensor GpuConvBackwardx(const Tensor &dy, const Tensor &W, const Tensor &x,
                        const CudnnConvHandle &cch) {
  CHECK_EQ(dy.device()->lang(), kCuda);

  Tensor dx;

       * dx is a local variable so it's captured by value
       * dy is an intermediate tensor and isn't recorded on the python side
       * W is an intermediate tensor but it's recorded on the python side
       * chh is a variable and it's recorded on the python side
      [dx, dy, &W, &cch](Context *ctx) mutable {
        Block *wblock = W.block(), *dyblock = dy.block(), *dxblock = dx.block();
        float alpha = 1.f, beta = 0.f;
            ctx->cudnn_handle, &alpha, cch.filter_desc, wblock->data(),
            cch.y_desc, dyblock->data(), cch.conv_desc, cch.bp_data_alg,
            cch.workspace_count * sizeof(float), &beta, cch.x_desc,
      {dy.block(), W.block()}, {dx.block(), cch.workspace.block()});
      /* the lambda expression reads the blocks of tensor dy and w
       * and writes the blocks of tensor dx and chh.workspace

  return dx;


Single node

  • Experiment settings
    • Model
    • GPU: NVIDIA RTX 2080Ti
  • Notations
    • s :second
    • it : iteration
    • Mem:peak memory usage of single GPU
    • Throughout:number of images processed per second
    • Time:total time
    • Speed:iterations per second
    • Reduction:the memory usage reduction rate compared with that using layer
    • Speedup: speedup ratio compared with dev branch
  • Result

Multi processes

  • Experiment settings
    • API
    • GPU: NVIDIA RTX 2080Ti * 2
    • MPI: two MPI processes on one node
  • Notations: the same as above
  • Result


  • Training with the computational graph enabled can significantly reduce the memory footprint.
  • Currently, there is a little improvement in terms of speed. More optimizations can be done towards the efficiency.