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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
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package org.apache.shiro.authc;
* Thrown when an authentication attempt has been received for an account that has already been
* authenticated (i.e. logged-in), and the system is configured to prevent such concurrent access.
* &lt;p&gt;This is useful when an application must ensure that only one person is logged-in to a single
* account at any given time.
* &lt;p&gt;Sometimes account names and passwords are lazily given away
* to many people for easy access to a system. Such behavior is undesirable in systems where
* users are accountable for their actions, such as in government applications, or when licensing
* agreements must be maintained, such as those which only allow 1 user per paid license.
* &lt;p&gt;By disallowing concurrent access, such systems can ensure that each authenticated session
* corresponds to one and only one user at any given time.
* @since 0.1
public class ConcurrentAccessException extends AccountException {
* Creates a new ConcurrentAccessException.
public ConcurrentAccessException() {
<span class="fc" id="L44"> super();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L45"> }</span>
* Constructs a new ConcurrentAccessException.
* @param message the reason for the exception
public ConcurrentAccessException(String message) {
<span class="fc" id="L53"> super(message);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L54"> }</span>
* Constructs a new ConcurrentAccessException.
* @param cause the underlying Throwable that caused this exception to be thrown.
public ConcurrentAccessException(Throwable cause) {
<span class="fc" id="L62"> super(cause);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L63"> }</span>
* Constructs a new ConcurrentAccessException.
* @param message the reason for the exception
* @param cause the underlying Throwable that caused this exception to be thrown.
public ConcurrentAccessException(String message, Throwable cause) {
<span class="fc" id="L72"> super(message, cause);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L73"> }</span>
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