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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* &quot;License&quot;); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.shiro.authz.aop;
import org.apache.shiro.authz.AuthorizationException;
import org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation.Logical;
import org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation.RequiresRoles;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Checks to see if a @{@link org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation.RequiresRoles RequiresRoles} annotation is declared, and if so, performs
* a role check to see if the calling &lt;code&gt;Subject&lt;/code&gt; is allowed to proceed.
* @since 0.9.0
public class RoleAnnotationHandler extends AuthorizingAnnotationHandler {
* Default no-argument constructor that ensures this handler looks for
* {@link org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation.RequiresRoles RequiresRoles} annotations.
public RoleAnnotationHandler() {
<span class="fc" id="L41"> super(RequiresRoles.class);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L42"> }</span>
* Ensures that the calling &lt;code&gt;Subject&lt;/code&gt; has the Annotation's specified roles, and if not, throws an
* &lt;code&gt;AuthorizingException&lt;/code&gt; indicating that access is denied.
* @param a the RequiresRoles annotation to use to check for one or more roles
* @throws org.apache.shiro.authz.AuthorizationException
* if the calling &lt;code&gt;Subject&lt;/code&gt; does not have the role(s) necessary to
* proceed.
public void assertAuthorized(Annotation a) throws AuthorizationException {
<span class="pc bpc" id="L54" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (!(a instanceof RequiresRoles)) return;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L56"> RequiresRoles rrAnnotation = (RequiresRoles) a;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L57"> String[] roles = rrAnnotation.value();</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L59" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (roles.length == 1) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L60"> getSubject().checkRole(roles[0]);</span>
<span class="nc" id="L61"> return;</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L63" title="All 2 branches covered."> if (Logical.AND.equals(rrAnnotation.logical())) {</span>
<span class="nc" id="L64"> getSubject().checkRoles(Arrays.asList(roles));</span>
<span class="nc" id="L65"> return;</span>
<span class="pc bpc" id="L67" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (Logical.OR.equals(rrAnnotation.logical())) {</span>
// Avoid processing exceptions unnecessarily - &quot;delay&quot; throwing the exception by calling hasRole first
<span class="fc" id="L69"> boolean hasAtLeastOneRole = false;</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L70" title="All 4 branches covered."> for (String role : roles) if (getSubject().hasRole(role)) hasAtLeastOneRole = true;</span>
// Cause the exception if none of the role match, note that the exception message will be a bit misleading
<span class="pc bpc" id="L72" title="1 of 2 branches missed."> if (!hasAtLeastOneRole) getSubject().checkRole(roles[0]);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L74"> }</span>
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