blob: 6556e47b4ae2f160ae5f6e2d53f4eb3516c13c29 [file] [log] [blame]
<BODY BGCOLOR="white">
<FONT color="green">001</FONT> /*<a name="line.1"></a>
<FONT color="green">002</FONT> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one<a name="line.2"></a>
<FONT color="green">003</FONT> * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file<a name="line.3"></a>
<FONT color="green">004</FONT> * distributed with this work for additional information<a name="line.4"></a>
<FONT color="green">005</FONT> * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file<a name="line.5"></a>
<FONT color="green">006</FONT> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the<a name="line.6"></a>
<FONT color="green">007</FONT> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance<a name="line.7"></a>
<FONT color="green">008</FONT> * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at<a name="line.8"></a>
<FONT color="green">009</FONT> *<a name="line.9"></a>
<FONT color="green">010</FONT> *<a name="line.10"></a>
<FONT color="green">011</FONT> *<a name="line.11"></a>
<FONT color="green">012</FONT> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<a name="line.12"></a>
<FONT color="green">013</FONT> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an<a name="line.13"></a>
<FONT color="green">014</FONT> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY<a name="line.14"></a>
<FONT color="green">015</FONT> * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the<a name="line.15"></a>
<FONT color="green">016</FONT> * specific language governing permissions and limitations<a name="line.16"></a>
<FONT color="green">017</FONT> * under the License.<a name="line.17"></a>
<FONT color="green">018</FONT> */<a name="line.18"></a>
<FONT color="green">019</FONT> package org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash;<a name="line.19"></a>
<FONT color="green">020</FONT> <a name="line.20"></a>
<FONT color="green">021</FONT> import org.apache.shiro.crypto.RandomNumberGenerator;<a name="line.21"></a>
<FONT color="green">022</FONT> import org.apache.shiro.crypto.SecureRandomNumberGenerator;<a name="line.22"></a>
<FONT color="green">023</FONT> import org.apache.shiro.util.ByteSource;<a name="line.23"></a>
<FONT color="green">024</FONT> <a name="line.24"></a>
<FONT color="green">025</FONT> /**<a name="line.25"></a>
<FONT color="green">026</FONT> * Default implementation of the {@link HashService} interface, supporting a customizable hash algorithm name,<a name="line.26"></a>
<FONT color="green">027</FONT> * secure-random salt generation, multiple hash iterations and an optional internal<a name="line.27"></a>
<FONT color="green">028</FONT> * {@link #setPrivateSalt(ByteSource) privateSalt}.<a name="line.28"></a>
<FONT color="green">029</FONT> * &lt;h2&gt;Hash Algorithm&lt;/h2&gt;<a name="line.29"></a>
<FONT color="green">030</FONT> * You may specify a hash algorithm via the {@link #setHashAlgorithmName(String)} property. Any algorithm name<a name="line.30"></a>
<FONT color="green">031</FONT> * understood by the JDK<a name="line.31"></a>
<FONT color="green">032</FONT> * {@link MessageDigest.getInstance(String algorithmName)} method<a name="line.32"></a>
<FONT color="green">033</FONT> * will work. The default is {@code SHA-512}.<a name="line.33"></a>
<FONT color="green">034</FONT> * &lt;h2&gt;Random Salts&lt;/h2&gt;<a name="line.34"></a>
<FONT color="green">035</FONT> * When a salt is not specified in a request, this implementation generates secure random salts via its<a name="line.35"></a>
<FONT color="green">036</FONT> * {@link #setRandomNumberGenerator(org.apache.shiro.crypto.RandomNumberGenerator) randomNumberGenerator} property.<a name="line.36"></a>
<FONT color="green">037</FONT> * Random salts (and potentially combined with the internal {@link #getPrivateSalt() privateSalt}) is a very strong<a name="line.37"></a>
<FONT color="green">038</FONT> * salting strategy, as salts should ideally never be based on known/guessable data. The default instance is a<a name="line.38"></a>
<FONT color="green">039</FONT> * {@link SecureRandomNumberGenerator}.<a name="line.39"></a>
<FONT color="green">040</FONT> * &lt;h2&gt;Hash Iterations&lt;/h2&gt;<a name="line.40"></a>
<FONT color="green">041</FONT> * Secure hashing strategies often employ multiple hash iterations to slow down the hashing process. This technique<a name="line.41"></a>
<FONT color="green">042</FONT> * is usually used for password hashing, since the longer it takes to compute a password hash, the longer it would<a name="line.42"></a>
<FONT color="green">043</FONT> * take for an attacker to compromise a password. This<a name="line.43"></a>
<FONT color="green">044</FONT> * &lt;a href=""&gt;Katasoft blog article&lt;/a&gt;<a name="line.44"></a>
<FONT color="green">045</FONT> * explains in greater detail why this is useful, as well as information on how many iterations is 'enough'.<a name="line.45"></a>
<FONT color="green">046</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.46"></a>
<FONT color="green">047</FONT> * You may set the number of hash iterations via the {@link #setHashIterations(int)} property. The default is<a name="line.47"></a>
<FONT color="green">048</FONT> * {@code 1}, but should be increased significantly if the {@code HashService} is intended to be used for password<a name="line.48"></a>
<FONT color="green">049</FONT> * hashing. See the linked blog article for more info.<a name="line.49"></a>
<FONT color="green">050</FONT> * &lt;h2&gt;Private Salt&lt;/h2&gt;<a name="line.50"></a>
<FONT color="green">051</FONT> * If using this implementation as part of a password hashing strategy, it might be desirable to configure a<a name="line.51"></a>
<FONT color="green">052</FONT> * {@link #setPrivateSalt(ByteSource) private salt}:<a name="line.52"></a>
<FONT color="green">053</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.53"></a>
<FONT color="green">054</FONT> * A hash and the salt used to compute it are often stored together. If an attacker is ever able to access<a name="line.54"></a>
<FONT color="green">055</FONT> * the hash (e.g. during password cracking) and it has the full salt value, the attacker has all of the input necessary<a name="line.55"></a>
<FONT color="green">056</FONT> * to try to brute-force crack the hash (source + complete salt).<a name="line.56"></a>
<FONT color="green">057</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.57"></a>
<FONT color="green">058</FONT> * However, if part of the salt is not available to the attacker (because it is not stored with the hash), it is<a name="line.58"></a>
<FONT color="green">059</FONT> * &lt;em&gt;much&lt;/em&gt; harder to crack the hash value since the attacker does not have the complete inputs necessary.<a name="line.59"></a>
<FONT color="green">060</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.60"></a>
<FONT color="green">061</FONT> * The {@link #getPrivateSalt() privateSalt} property exists to satisfy this private-and-not-shared part of the salt.<a name="line.61"></a>
<FONT color="green">062</FONT> * If you configure this attribute, you can obtain this additional very important safety feature.<a name="line.62"></a>
<FONT color="green">063</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.63"></a>
<FONT color="green">064</FONT> * &lt;b&gt;*&lt;/b&gt;By default, the {@link #getPrivateSalt() privateSalt} is null, since a sensible default cannot be used that<a name="line.64"></a>
<FONT color="green">065</FONT> * isn't easily compromised (because Shiro is an open-source project and any default could be easily seen and used).<a name="line.65"></a>
<FONT color="green">066</FONT> *<a name="line.66"></a>
<FONT color="green">067</FONT> * @since 1.2<a name="line.67"></a>
<FONT color="green">068</FONT> */<a name="line.68"></a>
<FONT color="green">069</FONT> public class DefaultHashService implements ConfigurableHashService {<a name="line.69"></a>
<FONT color="green">070</FONT> <a name="line.70"></a>
<FONT color="green">071</FONT> /**<a name="line.71"></a>
<FONT color="green">072</FONT> * The RandomNumberGenerator to use to randomly generate the public part of the hash salt.<a name="line.72"></a>
<FONT color="green">073</FONT> */<a name="line.73"></a>
<FONT color="green">074</FONT> private RandomNumberGenerator rng;<a name="line.74"></a>
<FONT color="green">075</FONT> <a name="line.75"></a>
<FONT color="green">076</FONT> /**<a name="line.76"></a>
<FONT color="green">077</FONT> * The MessageDigest name of the hash algorithm to use for computing hashes.<a name="line.77"></a>
<FONT color="green">078</FONT> */<a name="line.78"></a>
<FONT color="green">079</FONT> private String algorithmName;<a name="line.79"></a>
<FONT color="green">080</FONT> <a name="line.80"></a>
<FONT color="green">081</FONT> /**<a name="line.81"></a>
<FONT color="green">082</FONT> * The 'private' part of the hash salt.<a name="line.82"></a>
<FONT color="green">083</FONT> */<a name="line.83"></a>
<FONT color="green">084</FONT> private ByteSource privateSalt;<a name="line.84"></a>
<FONT color="green">085</FONT> <a name="line.85"></a>
<FONT color="green">086</FONT> /**<a name="line.86"></a>
<FONT color="green">087</FONT> * The number of hash iterations to perform when computing hashes.<a name="line.87"></a>
<FONT color="green">088</FONT> */<a name="line.88"></a>
<FONT color="green">089</FONT> private int iterations;<a name="line.89"></a>
<FONT color="green">090</FONT> <a name="line.90"></a>
<FONT color="green">091</FONT> /**<a name="line.91"></a>
<FONT color="green">092</FONT> * Whether or not to generate public salts if a request does not provide one.<a name="line.92"></a>
<FONT color="green">093</FONT> */<a name="line.93"></a>
<FONT color="green">094</FONT> private boolean generatePublicSalt;<a name="line.94"></a>
<FONT color="green">095</FONT> <a name="line.95"></a>
<FONT color="green">096</FONT> /**<a name="line.96"></a>
<FONT color="green">097</FONT> * Constructs a new {@code DefaultHashService} instance with the following defaults:<a name="line.97"></a>
<FONT color="green">098</FONT> * &lt;ul&gt;<a name="line.98"></a>
<FONT color="green">099</FONT> * &lt;li&gt;{@link #setHashAlgorithmName(String) hashAlgorithmName} = {@code SHA-512}&lt;/li&gt;<a name="line.99"></a>
<FONT color="green">100</FONT> * &lt;li&gt;{@link #setHashIterations(int) hashIterations} = {@code 1}&lt;/li&gt;<a name="line.100"></a>
<FONT color="green">101</FONT> * &lt;li&gt;{@link #setRandomNumberGenerator(org.apache.shiro.crypto.RandomNumberGenerator) randomNumberGenerator} =<a name="line.101"></a>
<FONT color="green">102</FONT> * new {@link SecureRandomNumberGenerator}()&lt;/li&gt;<a name="line.102"></a>
<FONT color="green">103</FONT> * &lt;li&gt;{@link #setGeneratePublicSalt(boolean) generatePublicSalt} = {@code false}&lt;/li&gt;<a name="line.103"></a>
<FONT color="green">104</FONT> * &lt;/ul&gt;<a name="line.104"></a>
<FONT color="green">105</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.105"></a>
<FONT color="green">106</FONT> * If this hashService will be used for password hashing it is recommended to set the<a name="line.106"></a>
<FONT color="green">107</FONT> * {@link #setPrivateSalt(ByteSource) privateSalt} and significantly increase the number of<a name="line.107"></a>
<FONT color="green">108</FONT> * {@link #setHashIterations(int) hashIterations}. See the class-level JavaDoc for more information.<a name="line.108"></a>
<FONT color="green">109</FONT> */<a name="line.109"></a>
<FONT color="green">110</FONT> public DefaultHashService() {<a name="line.110"></a>
<FONT color="green">111</FONT> this.algorithmName = "SHA-512";<a name="line.111"></a>
<FONT color="green">112</FONT> this.iterations = 1;<a name="line.112"></a>
<FONT color="green">113</FONT> this.generatePublicSalt = false;<a name="line.113"></a>
<FONT color="green">114</FONT> this.rng = new SecureRandomNumberGenerator();<a name="line.114"></a>
<FONT color="green">115</FONT> }<a name="line.115"></a>
<FONT color="green">116</FONT> <a name="line.116"></a>
<FONT color="green">117</FONT> /**<a name="line.117"></a>
<FONT color="green">118</FONT> * Computes and responds with a hash based on the specified request.<a name="line.118"></a>
<FONT color="green">119</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.119"></a>
<FONT color="green">120</FONT> * This implementation functions as follows:<a name="line.120"></a>
<FONT color="green">121</FONT> * &lt;ul&gt;<a name="line.121"></a>
<FONT color="green">122</FONT> * &lt;li&gt;If the request's {@link org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash.HashRequest#getSalt() salt} is null:<a name="line.122"></a>
<FONT color="green">123</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.123"></a>
<FONT color="green">124</FONT> * A salt will be generated and used to compute the hash. The salt is generated as follows:<a name="line.124"></a>
<FONT color="green">125</FONT> * &lt;ol&gt;<a name="line.125"></a>
<FONT color="green">126</FONT> * &lt;li&gt;Use the {@link #getRandomNumberGenerator() randomNumberGenerator} to generate a new random number.&lt;/li&gt;<a name="line.126"></a>
<FONT color="green">127</FONT> * &lt;li&gt;{@link #combine(ByteSource, ByteSource) combine} this random salt with any configured<a name="line.127"></a>
<FONT color="green">128</FONT> * {@link #getPrivateSalt() privateSalt}<a name="line.128"></a>
<FONT color="green">129</FONT> * &lt;/li&gt;<a name="line.129"></a>
<FONT color="green">130</FONT> * &lt;li&gt;Use the combined value as the salt used during hash computation&lt;/li&gt;<a name="line.130"></a>
<FONT color="green">131</FONT> * &lt;/ol&gt;<a name="line.131"></a>
<FONT color="green">132</FONT> * &lt;/li&gt;<a name="line.132"></a>
<FONT color="green">133</FONT> * &lt;li&gt;<a name="line.133"></a>
<FONT color="green">134</FONT> * If the request salt is not null:<a name="line.134"></a>
<FONT color="green">135</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.135"></a>
<FONT color="green">136</FONT> * This indicates that the hash computation is for comparison purposes (of a<a name="line.136"></a>
<FONT color="green">137</FONT> * previously computed hash). The request salt will be {@link #combine(ByteSource, ByteSource) combined} with any<a name="line.137"></a>
<FONT color="green">138</FONT> * configured {@link #getPrivateSalt() privateSalt} and used as the complete salt during hash computation.<a name="line.138"></a>
<FONT color="green">139</FONT> * &lt;/li&gt;<a name="line.139"></a>
<FONT color="green">140</FONT> * &lt;/ul&gt;<a name="line.140"></a>
<FONT color="green">141</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.141"></a>
<FONT color="green">142</FONT> * The returned {@code Hash}'s {@link Hash#getSalt() salt} property<a name="line.142"></a>
<FONT color="green">143</FONT> * will contain &lt;em&gt;only&lt;/em&gt; the 'public' part of the salt and &lt;em&gt;NOT&lt;/em&gt; the privateSalt. See the class-level<a name="line.143"></a>
<FONT color="green">144</FONT> * JavaDoc explanation for more info.<a name="line.144"></a>
<FONT color="green">145</FONT> *<a name="line.145"></a>
<FONT color="green">146</FONT> * @param request the request to process<a name="line.146"></a>
<FONT color="green">147</FONT> * @return the response containing the result of the hash computation, as well as any hash salt used that should be<a name="line.147"></a>
<FONT color="green">148</FONT> * exposed to the caller.<a name="line.148"></a>
<FONT color="green">149</FONT> */<a name="line.149"></a>
<FONT color="green">150</FONT> public Hash computeHash(HashRequest request) {<a name="line.150"></a>
<FONT color="green">151</FONT> if (request == null || request.getSource() == null || request.getSource().isEmpty()) {<a name="line.151"></a>
<FONT color="green">152</FONT> return null;<a name="line.152"></a>
<FONT color="green">153</FONT> }<a name="line.153"></a>
<FONT color="green">154</FONT> <a name="line.154"></a>
<FONT color="green">155</FONT> String algorithmName = getAlgorithmName(request);<a name="line.155"></a>
<FONT color="green">156</FONT> ByteSource source = request.getSource();<a name="line.156"></a>
<FONT color="green">157</FONT> int iterations = getIterations(request);<a name="line.157"></a>
<FONT color="green">158</FONT> <a name="line.158"></a>
<FONT color="green">159</FONT> ByteSource publicSalt = getPublicSalt(request);<a name="line.159"></a>
<FONT color="green">160</FONT> ByteSource privateSalt = getPrivateSalt();<a name="line.160"></a>
<FONT color="green">161</FONT> ByteSource salt = combine(privateSalt, publicSalt);<a name="line.161"></a>
<FONT color="green">162</FONT> <a name="line.162"></a>
<FONT color="green">163</FONT> Hash computed = new SimpleHash(algorithmName, source, salt, iterations);<a name="line.163"></a>
<FONT color="green">164</FONT> <a name="line.164"></a>
<FONT color="green">165</FONT> SimpleHash result = new SimpleHash(algorithmName);<a name="line.165"></a>
<FONT color="green">166</FONT> result.setBytes(computed.getBytes());<a name="line.166"></a>
<FONT color="green">167</FONT> result.setIterations(iterations);<a name="line.167"></a>
<FONT color="green">168</FONT> //Only expose the public salt - not the real/combined salt that might have been used:<a name="line.168"></a>
<FONT color="green">169</FONT> result.setSalt(publicSalt);<a name="line.169"></a>
<FONT color="green">170</FONT> <a name="line.170"></a>
<FONT color="green">171</FONT> return result;<a name="line.171"></a>
<FONT color="green">172</FONT> }<a name="line.172"></a>
<FONT color="green">173</FONT> <a name="line.173"></a>
<FONT color="green">174</FONT> protected String getAlgorithmName(HashRequest request) {<a name="line.174"></a>
<FONT color="green">175</FONT> String name = request.getAlgorithmName();<a name="line.175"></a>
<FONT color="green">176</FONT> if (name == null) {<a name="line.176"></a>
<FONT color="green">177</FONT> name = getHashAlgorithmName();<a name="line.177"></a>
<FONT color="green">178</FONT> }<a name="line.178"></a>
<FONT color="green">179</FONT> return name;<a name="line.179"></a>
<FONT color="green">180</FONT> }<a name="line.180"></a>
<FONT color="green">181</FONT> <a name="line.181"></a>
<FONT color="green">182</FONT> protected int getIterations(HashRequest request) {<a name="line.182"></a>
<FONT color="green">183</FONT> int iterations = Math.max(0, request.getIterations());<a name="line.183"></a>
<FONT color="green">184</FONT> if (iterations &lt; 1) {<a name="line.184"></a>
<FONT color="green">185</FONT> iterations = Math.max(1, getHashIterations());<a name="line.185"></a>
<FONT color="green">186</FONT> }<a name="line.186"></a>
<FONT color="green">187</FONT> return iterations;<a name="line.187"></a>
<FONT color="green">188</FONT> }<a name="line.188"></a>
<FONT color="green">189</FONT> <a name="line.189"></a>
<FONT color="green">190</FONT> /**<a name="line.190"></a>
<FONT color="green">191</FONT> * Returns the public salt that should be used to compute a hash based on the specified request or<a name="line.191"></a>
<FONT color="green">192</FONT> * {@code null} if no public salt should be used.<a name="line.192"></a>
<FONT color="green">193</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.193"></a>
<FONT color="green">194</FONT> * This implementation functions as follows:<a name="line.194"></a>
<FONT color="green">195</FONT> * &lt;ol&gt;<a name="line.195"></a>
<FONT color="green">196</FONT> * &lt;li&gt;If the request salt is not null and non-empty, this will be used, return it.&lt;/li&gt;<a name="line.196"></a>
<FONT color="green">197</FONT> * &lt;li&gt;If the request salt is null or empty:<a name="line.197"></a>
<FONT color="green">198</FONT> * &lt;ol&gt;<a name="line.198"></a>
<FONT color="green">199</FONT> * &lt;li&gt;If a private salt has been set &lt;em&gt;OR&lt;/em&gt; {@link #isGeneratePublicSalt()} is {@code true},<a name="line.199"></a>
<FONT color="green">200</FONT> * auto generate a random public salt via the configured<a name="line.200"></a>
<FONT color="green">201</FONT> * {@link #getRandomNumberGenerator() randomNumberGenerator}.&lt;/li&gt;<a name="line.201"></a>
<FONT color="green">202</FONT> * &lt;li&gt;If a private salt has not been configured and {@link #isGeneratePublicSalt()} is {@code false},<a name="line.202"></a>
<FONT color="green">203</FONT> * do nothing - return {@code null} to indicate a salt should not be used during hash computation.&lt;/li&gt;<a name="line.203"></a>
<FONT color="green">204</FONT> * &lt;/ol&gt;<a name="line.204"></a>
<FONT color="green">205</FONT> * &lt;/li&gt;<a name="line.205"></a>
<FONT color="green">206</FONT> * &lt;/ol&gt;<a name="line.206"></a>
<FONT color="green">207</FONT> *<a name="line.207"></a>
<FONT color="green">208</FONT> * @param request request the request to process<a name="line.208"></a>
<FONT color="green">209</FONT> * @return the public salt that should be used to compute a hash based on the specified request or<a name="line.209"></a>
<FONT color="green">210</FONT> * {@code null} if no public salt should be used.<a name="line.210"></a>
<FONT color="green">211</FONT> */<a name="line.211"></a>
<FONT color="green">212</FONT> protected ByteSource getPublicSalt(HashRequest request) {<a name="line.212"></a>
<FONT color="green">213</FONT> <a name="line.213"></a>
<FONT color="green">214</FONT> ByteSource publicSalt = request.getSalt();<a name="line.214"></a>
<FONT color="green">215</FONT> <a name="line.215"></a>
<FONT color="green">216</FONT> if (publicSalt != null &amp;&amp; !publicSalt.isEmpty()) {<a name="line.216"></a>
<FONT color="green">217</FONT> //a public salt was explicitly requested to be used - go ahead and use it:<a name="line.217"></a>
<FONT color="green">218</FONT> return publicSalt;<a name="line.218"></a>
<FONT color="green">219</FONT> }<a name="line.219"></a>
<FONT color="green">220</FONT> <a name="line.220"></a>
<FONT color="green">221</FONT> publicSalt = null;<a name="line.221"></a>
<FONT color="green">222</FONT> <a name="line.222"></a>
<FONT color="green">223</FONT> //check to see if we need to generate one:<a name="line.223"></a>
<FONT color="green">224</FONT> ByteSource privateSalt = getPrivateSalt();<a name="line.224"></a>
<FONT color="green">225</FONT> boolean privateSaltExists = privateSalt != null &amp;&amp; !privateSalt.isEmpty();<a name="line.225"></a>
<FONT color="green">226</FONT> <a name="line.226"></a>
<FONT color="green">227</FONT> //If a private salt exists, we must generate a public salt to protect the integrity of the private salt.<a name="line.227"></a>
<FONT color="green">228</FONT> //Or generate it if the instance is explicitly configured to do so:<a name="line.228"></a>
<FONT color="green">229</FONT> if (privateSaltExists || isGeneratePublicSalt()) {<a name="line.229"></a>
<FONT color="green">230</FONT> publicSalt = getRandomNumberGenerator().nextBytes();<a name="line.230"></a>
<FONT color="green">231</FONT> }<a name="line.231"></a>
<FONT color="green">232</FONT> <a name="line.232"></a>
<FONT color="green">233</FONT> return publicSalt;<a name="line.233"></a>
<FONT color="green">234</FONT> }<a name="line.234"></a>
<FONT color="green">235</FONT> <a name="line.235"></a>
<FONT color="green">236</FONT> /**<a name="line.236"></a>
<FONT color="green">237</FONT> * Combines the specified 'private' salt bytes with the specified additional extra bytes to use as the<a name="line.237"></a>
<FONT color="green">238</FONT> * total salt during hash computation. {@code privateSaltBytes} will be {@code null} }if no private salt has been<a name="line.238"></a>
<FONT color="green">239</FONT> * configured.<a name="line.239"></a>
<FONT color="green">240</FONT> *<a name="line.240"></a>
<FONT color="green">241</FONT> * @param privateSalt the (possibly {@code null}) 'private' salt to combine with the specified extra bytes<a name="line.241"></a>
<FONT color="green">242</FONT> * @param publicSalt the extra bytes to use in addition to the given private salt.<a name="line.242"></a>
<FONT color="green">243</FONT> * @return a combination of the specified private salt bytes and extra bytes that will be used as the total<a name="line.243"></a>
<FONT color="green">244</FONT> * salt during hash computation.<a name="line.244"></a>
<FONT color="green">245</FONT> */<a name="line.245"></a>
<FONT color="green">246</FONT> protected ByteSource combine(ByteSource privateSalt, ByteSource publicSalt) {<a name="line.246"></a>
<FONT color="green">247</FONT> <a name="line.247"></a>
<FONT color="green">248</FONT> byte[] privateSaltBytes = privateSalt != null ? privateSalt.getBytes() : null;<a name="line.248"></a>
<FONT color="green">249</FONT> int privateSaltLength = privateSaltBytes != null ? privateSaltBytes.length : 0;<a name="line.249"></a>
<FONT color="green">250</FONT> <a name="line.250"></a>
<FONT color="green">251</FONT> byte[] publicSaltBytes = publicSalt != null ? publicSalt.getBytes() : null;<a name="line.251"></a>
<FONT color="green">252</FONT> int extraBytesLength = publicSaltBytes != null ? publicSaltBytes.length : 0;<a name="line.252"></a>
<FONT color="green">253</FONT> <a name="line.253"></a>
<FONT color="green">254</FONT> int length = privateSaltLength + extraBytesLength;<a name="line.254"></a>
<FONT color="green">255</FONT> <a name="line.255"></a>
<FONT color="green">256</FONT> if (length &lt;= 0) {<a name="line.256"></a>
<FONT color="green">257</FONT> return null;<a name="line.257"></a>
<FONT color="green">258</FONT> }<a name="line.258"></a>
<FONT color="green">259</FONT> <a name="line.259"></a>
<FONT color="green">260</FONT> byte[] combined = new byte[length];<a name="line.260"></a>
<FONT color="green">261</FONT> <a name="line.261"></a>
<FONT color="green">262</FONT> int i = 0;<a name="line.262"></a>
<FONT color="green">263</FONT> for (int j = 0; j &lt; privateSaltLength; j++) {<a name="line.263"></a>
<FONT color="green">264</FONT> assert privateSaltBytes != null;<a name="line.264"></a>
<FONT color="green">265</FONT> combined[i++] = privateSaltBytes[j];<a name="line.265"></a>
<FONT color="green">266</FONT> }<a name="line.266"></a>
<FONT color="green">267</FONT> for (int j = 0; j &lt; extraBytesLength; j++) {<a name="line.267"></a>
<FONT color="green">268</FONT> assert publicSaltBytes != null;<a name="line.268"></a>
<FONT color="green">269</FONT> combined[i++] = publicSaltBytes[j];<a name="line.269"></a>
<FONT color="green">270</FONT> }<a name="line.270"></a>
<FONT color="green">271</FONT> <a name="line.271"></a>
<FONT color="green">272</FONT> return ByteSource.Util.bytes(combined);<a name="line.272"></a>
<FONT color="green">273</FONT> }<a name="line.273"></a>
<FONT color="green">274</FONT> <a name="line.274"></a>
<FONT color="green">275</FONT> public void setHashAlgorithmName(String name) {<a name="line.275"></a>
<FONT color="green">276</FONT> this.algorithmName = name;<a name="line.276"></a>
<FONT color="green">277</FONT> }<a name="line.277"></a>
<FONT color="green">278</FONT> <a name="line.278"></a>
<FONT color="green">279</FONT> public String getHashAlgorithmName() {<a name="line.279"></a>
<FONT color="green">280</FONT> return this.algorithmName;<a name="line.280"></a>
<FONT color="green">281</FONT> }<a name="line.281"></a>
<FONT color="green">282</FONT> <a name="line.282"></a>
<FONT color="green">283</FONT> public void setPrivateSalt(ByteSource privateSalt) {<a name="line.283"></a>
<FONT color="green">284</FONT> this.privateSalt = privateSalt;<a name="line.284"></a>
<FONT color="green">285</FONT> }<a name="line.285"></a>
<FONT color="green">286</FONT> <a name="line.286"></a>
<FONT color="green">287</FONT> public ByteSource getPrivateSalt() {<a name="line.287"></a>
<FONT color="green">288</FONT> return this.privateSalt;<a name="line.288"></a>
<FONT color="green">289</FONT> }<a name="line.289"></a>
<FONT color="green">290</FONT> <a name="line.290"></a>
<FONT color="green">291</FONT> public void setHashIterations(int count) {<a name="line.291"></a>
<FONT color="green">292</FONT> this.iterations = count;<a name="line.292"></a>
<FONT color="green">293</FONT> }<a name="line.293"></a>
<FONT color="green">294</FONT> <a name="line.294"></a>
<FONT color="green">295</FONT> public int getHashIterations() {<a name="line.295"></a>
<FONT color="green">296</FONT> return this.iterations;<a name="line.296"></a>
<FONT color="green">297</FONT> }<a name="line.297"></a>
<FONT color="green">298</FONT> <a name="line.298"></a>
<FONT color="green">299</FONT> public void setRandomNumberGenerator(RandomNumberGenerator rng) {<a name="line.299"></a>
<FONT color="green">300</FONT> this.rng = rng;<a name="line.300"></a>
<FONT color="green">301</FONT> }<a name="line.301"></a>
<FONT color="green">302</FONT> <a name="line.302"></a>
<FONT color="green">303</FONT> public RandomNumberGenerator getRandomNumberGenerator() {<a name="line.303"></a>
<FONT color="green">304</FONT> return this.rng;<a name="line.304"></a>
<FONT color="green">305</FONT> }<a name="line.305"></a>
<FONT color="green">306</FONT> <a name="line.306"></a>
<FONT color="green">307</FONT> /**<a name="line.307"></a>
<FONT color="green">308</FONT> * Returns {@code true} if a public salt should be randomly generated and used to compute a hash if a<a name="line.308"></a>
<FONT color="green">309</FONT> * {@link HashRequest} does not specify a salt, {@code false} otherwise.<a name="line.309"></a>
<FONT color="green">310</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.310"></a>
<FONT color="green">311</FONT> * The default value is {@code false} but should definitely be set to {@code true} if the<a name="line.311"></a>
<FONT color="green">312</FONT> * {@code HashService} instance is being used for password hashing.<a name="line.312"></a>
<FONT color="green">313</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.313"></a>
<FONT color="green">314</FONT> * &lt;b&gt;NOTE:&lt;/b&gt; this property only has an effect if a {@link #getPrivateSalt() privateSalt} is NOT configured. If a<a name="line.314"></a>
<FONT color="green">315</FONT> * private salt has been configured and a request does not provide a salt, a random salt will always be generated<a name="line.315"></a>
<FONT color="green">316</FONT> * to protect the integrity of the private salt (without a public salt, the private salt would be exposed as-is,<a name="line.316"></a>
<FONT color="green">317</FONT> * which is undesirable).<a name="line.317"></a>
<FONT color="green">318</FONT> *<a name="line.318"></a>
<FONT color="green">319</FONT> * @return {@code true} if a public salt should be randomly generated and used to compute a hash if a<a name="line.319"></a>
<FONT color="green">320</FONT> * {@link HashRequest} does not specify a salt, {@code false} otherwise.<a name="line.320"></a>
<FONT color="green">321</FONT> */<a name="line.321"></a>
<FONT color="green">322</FONT> public boolean isGeneratePublicSalt() {<a name="line.322"></a>
<FONT color="green">323</FONT> return generatePublicSalt;<a name="line.323"></a>
<FONT color="green">324</FONT> }<a name="line.324"></a>
<FONT color="green">325</FONT> <a name="line.325"></a>
<FONT color="green">326</FONT> /**<a name="line.326"></a>
<FONT color="green">327</FONT> * Sets whether or not a public salt should be randomly generated and used to compute a hash if a<a name="line.327"></a>
<FONT color="green">328</FONT> * {@link HashRequest} does not specify a salt.<a name="line.328"></a>
<FONT color="green">329</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.329"></a>
<FONT color="green">330</FONT> * The default value is {@code false} but should definitely be set to {@code true} if the<a name="line.330"></a>
<FONT color="green">331</FONT> * {@code HashService} instance is being used for password hashing.<a name="line.331"></a>
<FONT color="green">332</FONT> * &lt;p/&gt;<a name="line.332"></a>
<FONT color="green">333</FONT> * &lt;b&gt;NOTE:&lt;/b&gt; this property only has an effect if a {@link #getPrivateSalt() privateSalt} is NOT configured. If a<a name="line.333"></a>
<FONT color="green">334</FONT> * private salt has been configured and a request does not provide a salt, a random salt will always be generated<a name="line.334"></a>
<FONT color="green">335</FONT> * to protect the integrity of the private salt (without a public salt, the private salt would be exposed as-is,<a name="line.335"></a>
<FONT color="green">336</FONT> * which is undesirable).<a name="line.336"></a>
<FONT color="green">337</FONT> *<a name="line.337"></a>
<FONT color="green">338</FONT> * @param generatePublicSalt whether or not a public salt should be randomly generated and used to compute a hash<a name="line.338"></a>
<FONT color="green">339</FONT> * if a {@link HashRequest} does not specify a salt.<a name="line.339"></a>
<FONT color="green">340</FONT> */<a name="line.340"></a>
<FONT color="green">341</FONT> public void setGeneratePublicSalt(boolean generatePublicSalt) {<a name="line.341"></a>
<FONT color="green">342</FONT> this.generatePublicSalt = generatePublicSalt;<a name="line.342"></a>
<FONT color="green">343</FONT> }<a name="line.343"></a>
<FONT color="green">344</FONT> }<a name="line.344"></a>