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<title>CodecSupport xref</title>
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<div id="overview"><a href="../../../../../apidocs/org/apache/shiro/codec/CodecSupport.html">View Javadoc</a></div><pre>
<a name="1" href="#1">1</a> <em class="jxr_comment">/*</em>
<a name="2" href="#2">2</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one</em>
<a name="3" href="#3">3</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file</em>
<a name="4" href="#4">4</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * distributed with this work for additional information</em>
<a name="5" href="#5">5</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file</em>
<a name="6" href="#6">6</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the</em>
<a name="7" href="#7">7</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance</em>
<a name="8" href="#8">8</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at</em>
<a name="9" href="#9">9</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> *</em>
<a name="10" href="#10">10</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * <a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a></em>
<a name="11" href="#11">11</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> *</em>
<a name="12" href="#12">12</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,</em>
<a name="13" href="#13">13</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an</em>
<a name="14" href="#14">14</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY</em>
<a name="15" href="#15">15</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the</em>
<a name="16" href="#16">16</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * specific language governing permissions and limitations</em>
<a name="17" href="#17">17</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> * under the License.</em>
<a name="18" href="#18">18</a> <em class="jxr_comment"> */</em>
<a name="19" href="#19">19</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">package</strong> org.apache.shiro.codec;
<a name="20" href="#20">20</a>
<a name="21" href="#21">21</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> org.apache.shiro.util.ByteSource;
<a name="22" href="#22">22</a>
<a name="23" href="#23">23</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong>*;
<a name="24" href="#24">24</a>
<a name="25" href="#25">25</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="26" href="#26">26</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Base abstract class that provides useful encoding and decoding operations, especially for character data.</em>
<a name="27" href="#27">27</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="28" href="#28">28</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @since 0.9</em>
<a name="29" href="#29">29</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="30" href="#30">30</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">abstract</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">class</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/shiro/codec/CodecSupport.html">CodecSupport</a> {
<a name="31" href="#31">31</a>
<a name="32" href="#32">32</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="33" href="#33">33</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Shiro's default preferred character encoding, equal to &lt;b&gt;&lt;code&gt;UTF-8&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/b&gt;.</em>
<a name="34" href="#34">34</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="35" href="#35">35</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">static</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">final</strong> String PREFERRED_ENCODING = <span class="jxr_string">"UTF-8"</span>;
<a name="36" href="#36">36</a>
<a name="37" href="#37">37</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="38" href="#38">38</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Converts the specified character array to a byte array using the Shiro's preferred encoding (UTF-8).</em>
<a name="39" href="#39">39</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p/&gt;</em>
<a name="40" href="#40">40</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * This is a convenience method equivalent to calling the {@link #toBytes(String,String)} method with a</em>
<a name="41" href="#41">41</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * a wrapping String and {@link CodecSupport#PREFERRED_ENCODING PREFERRED_ENCODING}, i.e.</em>
<a name="42" href="#42">42</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p/&gt;</em>
<a name="43" href="#43">43</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;code&gt;toBytes( new String(chars), {@link CodecSupport#PREFERRED_ENCODING PREFERRED_ENCODING} );&lt;/code&gt;</em>
<a name="44" href="#44">44</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="45" href="#45">45</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param chars the character array to be converted to a byte array.</em>
<a name="46" href="#46">46</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return the byte array of the UTF-8 encoded character array.</em>
<a name="47" href="#47">47</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="48" href="#48">48</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">static</strong> byte[] toBytes(<strong class="jxr_keyword">char</strong>[] chars) {
<a name="49" href="#49">49</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> toBytes(<strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> String(chars), PREFERRED_ENCODING);
<a name="50" href="#50">50</a> }
<a name="51" href="#51">51</a>
<a name="52" href="#52">52</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="53" href="#53">53</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Converts the specified character array into a byte array using the specified character encoding.</em>
<a name="54" href="#54">54</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p/&gt;</em>
<a name="55" href="#55">55</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * This is a convenience method equivalent to calling the {@link #toBytes(String,String)} method with a</em>
<a name="56" href="#56">56</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * a wrapping String and the specified encoding, i.e.</em>
<a name="57" href="#57">57</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p/&gt;</em>
<a name="58" href="#58">58</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;code&gt;toBytes( new String(chars), encoding );&lt;/code&gt;</em>
<a name="59" href="#59">59</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="60" href="#60">60</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param chars the character array to be converted to a byte array</em>
<a name="61" href="#61">61</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param encoding the character encoding to use to when converting to bytes.</em>
<a name="62" href="#62">62</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return the bytes of the specified character array under the specified encoding.</em>
<a name="63" href="#63">63</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @throws CodecException if the JVM does not support the specified encoding.</em>
<a name="64" href="#64">64</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="65" href="#65">65</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">static</strong> byte[] toBytes(<strong class="jxr_keyword">char</strong>[] chars, String encoding) <strong class="jxr_keyword">throws</strong> CodecException {
<a name="66" href="#66">66</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> toBytes(<strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> String(chars), encoding);
<a name="67" href="#67">67</a> }
<a name="68" href="#68">68</a>
<a name="69" href="#69">69</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="70" href="#70">70</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Converts the specified source argument to a byte array with Shiro's</em>
<a name="71" href="#71">71</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * {@link CodecSupport#PREFERRED_ENCODING PREFERRED_ENCODING}.</em>
<a name="72" href="#72">72</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="73" href="#73">73</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param source the string to convert to a byte array.</em>
<a name="74" href="#74">74</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return the bytes representing the specified string under the {@link CodecSupport#PREFERRED_ENCODING PREFERRED_ENCODING}.</em>
<a name="75" href="#75">75</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @see #toBytes(String, String)</em>
<a name="76" href="#76">76</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="77" href="#77">77</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">static</strong> byte[] toBytes(String source) {
<a name="78" href="#78">78</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> toBytes(source, PREFERRED_ENCODING);
<a name="79" href="#79">79</a> }
<a name="80" href="#80">80</a>
<a name="81" href="#81">81</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="82" href="#82">82</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Converts the specified source to a byte array via the specified encoding, throwing a</em>
<a name="83" href="#83">83</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * {@link CodecException CodecException} if the encoding fails.</em>
<a name="84" href="#84">84</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="85" href="#85">85</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param source the source string to convert to a byte array.</em>
<a name="86" href="#86">86</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param encoding the encoding to use to use.</em>
<a name="87" href="#87">87</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return the byte array of the specified source with the given encoding.</em>
<a name="88" href="#88">88</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @throws CodecException if the JVM does not support the specified encoding.</em>
<a name="89" href="#89">89</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="90" href="#90">90</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">static</strong> byte[] toBytes(String source, String encoding) <strong class="jxr_keyword">throws</strong> CodecException {
<a name="91" href="#91">91</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">try</strong> {
<a name="92" href="#92">92</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> source.getBytes(encoding);
<a name="93" href="#93">93</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">catch</strong> (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
<a name="94" href="#94">94</a> String msg = <span class="jxr_string">"Unable to convert source ["</span> + source + <span class="jxr_string">"] to byte array using "</span> +
<a name="95" href="#95">95</a> <span class="jxr_string">"encoding '"</span> + encoding + <span class="jxr_string">"'"</span>;
<a name="96" href="#96">96</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">throw</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/shiro/codec/CodecException.html">CodecException</a>(msg, e);
<a name="97" href="#97">97</a> }
<a name="98" href="#98">98</a> }
<a name="99" href="#99">99</a>
<a name="100" href="#100">100</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="101" href="#101">101</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Converts the specified byte array to a String using the {@link CodecSupport#PREFERRED_ENCODING PREFERRED_ENCODING}.</em>
<a name="102" href="#102">102</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="103" href="#103">103</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param bytes the byte array to turn into a String.</em>
<a name="104" href="#104">104</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return the specified byte array as an encoded String ({@link CodecSupport#PREFERRED_ENCODING PREFERRED_ENCODING}).</em>
<a name="105" href="#105">105</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @see #toString(byte[], String)</em>
<a name="106" href="#106">106</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="107" href="#107">107</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">static</strong> String toString(byte[] bytes) {
<a name="108" href="#108">108</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> toString(bytes, PREFERRED_ENCODING);
<a name="109" href="#109">109</a> }
<a name="110" href="#110">110</a>
<a name="111" href="#111">111</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="112" href="#112">112</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Converts the specified byte array to a String using the specified character encoding. This implementation</em>
<a name="113" href="#113">113</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * does the same thing as &lt;code&gt;new {@link String#String(byte[], String) String(byte[], encoding)}&lt;/code&gt;, but will</em>
<a name="114" href="#114">114</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * wrap any {@link UnsupportedEncodingException} with a nicer runtime {@link CodecException}, allowing you to</em>
<a name="115" href="#115">115</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * decide whether or not you want to catch the exception or let it propagate.</em>
<a name="116" href="#116">116</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="117" href="#117">117</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param bytes the byte array to convert to a String</em>
<a name="118" href="#118">118</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param encoding the character encoding used to encode the String.</em>
<a name="119" href="#119">119</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return the specified byte array as an encoded String</em>
<a name="120" href="#120">120</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @throws CodecException if the JVM does not support the specified encoding.</em>
<a name="121" href="#121">121</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="122" href="#122">122</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">static</strong> String toString(byte[] bytes, String encoding) <strong class="jxr_keyword">throws</strong> CodecException {
<a name="123" href="#123">123</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">try</strong> {
<a name="124" href="#124">124</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> String(bytes, encoding);
<a name="125" href="#125">125</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">catch</strong> (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
<a name="126" href="#126">126</a> String msg = <span class="jxr_string">"Unable to convert byte array to String with encoding '"</span> + encoding + <span class="jxr_string">"'."</span>;
<a name="127" href="#127">127</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">throw</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/shiro/codec/CodecException.html">CodecException</a>(msg, e);
<a name="128" href="#128">128</a> }
<a name="129" href="#129">129</a> }
<a name="130" href="#130">130</a>
<a name="131" href="#131">131</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="132" href="#132">132</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Returns the specified byte array as a character array using the</em>
<a name="133" href="#133">133</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * {@link CodecSupport#PREFERRED_ENCODING PREFERRED_ENCODING}.</em>
<a name="134" href="#134">134</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="135" href="#135">135</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param bytes the byte array to convert to a char array</em>
<a name="136" href="#136">136</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return the specified byte array encoded as a character array ({@link CodecSupport#PREFERRED_ENCODING PREFERRED_ENCODING}).</em>
<a name="137" href="#137">137</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @see #toChars(byte[], String)</em>
<a name="138" href="#138">138</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="139" href="#139">139</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">static</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">char</strong>[] toChars(byte[] bytes) {
<a name="140" href="#140">140</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> toChars(bytes, PREFERRED_ENCODING);
<a name="141" href="#141">141</a> }
<a name="142" href="#142">142</a>
<a name="143" href="#143">143</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="144" href="#144">144</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Converts the specified byte array to a character array using the specified character encoding.</em>
<a name="145" href="#145">145</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p/&gt;</em>
<a name="146" href="#146">146</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Effectively calls &lt;code&gt;{@link #toString(byte[], String) toString(bytes,encoding)}.{@link String#toCharArray() toCharArray()};&lt;/code&gt;</em>
<a name="147" href="#147">147</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="148" href="#148">148</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param bytes the byte array to convert to a String</em>
<a name="149" href="#149">149</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param encoding the character encoding used to encode the bytes.</em>
<a name="150" href="#150">150</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return the specified byte array as an encoded char array</em>
<a name="151" href="#151">151</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @throws CodecException if the JVM does not support the specified encoding.</em>
<a name="152" href="#152">152</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="153" href="#153">153</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">static</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">char</strong>[] toChars(byte[] bytes, String encoding) <strong class="jxr_keyword">throws</strong> CodecException {
<a name="154" href="#154">154</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> toString(bytes, encoding).toCharArray();
<a name="155" href="#155">155</a> }
<a name="156" href="#156">156</a>
<a name="157" href="#157">157</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="158" href="#158">158</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Returns {@code true} if the specified object can be easily converted to bytes by instances of this class,</em>
<a name="159" href="#159">159</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * {@code false} otherwise.</em>
<a name="160" href="#160">160</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p/&gt;</em>
<a name="161" href="#161">161</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * The default implementation returns {@code true} IFF the specified object is an instance of one of the following</em>
<a name="162" href="#162">162</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * types:</em>
<a name="163" href="#163">163</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;ul&gt;</em>
<a name="164" href="#164">164</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;li&gt;{@code byte[]}&lt;/li&gt;</em>
<a name="165" href="#165">165</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;li&gt;{@code char[]}&lt;/li&gt;</em>
<a name="166" href="#166">166</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;li&gt;{@link ByteSource}&lt;/li&gt;</em>
<a name="167" href="#167">167</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;li&gt;{@link String}&lt;/li&gt;</em>
<a name="168" href="#168">168</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;li&gt;{@link File}&lt;/li&gt;</em>
<a name="169" href="#169">169</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;/li&gt;{@link InputStream}&lt;/li&gt;</em>
<a name="170" href="#170">170</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;/ul&gt;</em>
<a name="171" href="#171">171</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="172" href="#172">172</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param o the object to test to see if it can be easily converted to a byte array</em>
<a name="173" href="#173">173</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return {@code true} if the specified object can be easily converted to bytes by instances of this class,</em>
<a name="174" href="#174">174</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * {@code false} otherwise.</em>
<a name="175" href="#175">175</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @since 1.0</em>
<a name="176" href="#176">176</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="177" href="#177">177</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">protected</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">boolean</strong> isByteSource(Object o) {
<a name="178" href="#178">178</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> o instanceof byte[] || o instanceof <strong class="jxr_keyword">char</strong>[] || o instanceof String ||
<a name="179" href="#179">179</a> o instanceof <a href="../../../../org/apache/shiro/util/ByteSource.html">ByteSource</a> || o instanceof File || o instanceof InputStream;
<a name="180" href="#180">180</a> }
<a name="181" href="#181">181</a>
<a name="182" href="#182">182</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="183" href="#183">183</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Converts the specified Object into a byte array.</em>
<a name="184" href="#184">184</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p/&gt;</em>
<a name="185" href="#185">185</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * If the argument is a {@code byte[]}, {@code char[]}, {@link ByteSource}, {@link String}, {@link File}, or</em>
<a name="186" href="#186">186</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * {@link InputStream}, it will be converted automatically and returned.}</em>
<a name="187" href="#187">187</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p/&gt;</em>
<a name="188" href="#188">188</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * If the argument is anything other than these types, it is passed to the</em>
<a name="189" href="#189">189</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * {@link #objectToBytes(Object) objectToBytes} method which must be overridden by subclasses.</em>
<a name="190" href="#190">190</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="191" href="#191">191</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param o the Object to convert into a byte array</em>
<a name="192" href="#192">192</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return a byte array representation of the Object argument.</em>
<a name="193" href="#193">193</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="194" href="#194">194</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">protected</strong> byte[] toBytes(Object o) {
<a name="195" href="#195">195</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (o == <strong class="jxr_keyword">null</strong>) {
<a name="196" href="#196">196</a> String msg = <span class="jxr_string">"Argument for byte conversion cannot be null."</span>;
<a name="197" href="#197">197</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">throw</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> IllegalArgumentException(msg);
<a name="198" href="#198">198</a> }
<a name="199" href="#199">199</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (o instanceof byte[]) {
<a name="200" href="#200">200</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> (byte[]) o;
<a name="201" href="#201">201</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">else</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (o instanceof ByteSource) {
<a name="202" href="#202">202</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> ((ByteSource) o).getBytes();
<a name="203" href="#203">203</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">else</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (o instanceof <strong class="jxr_keyword">char</strong>[]) {
<a name="204" href="#204">204</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> toBytes((<strong class="jxr_keyword">char</strong>[]) o);
<a name="205" href="#205">205</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">else</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (o instanceof String) {
<a name="206" href="#206">206</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> toBytes((String) o);
<a name="207" href="#207">207</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">else</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (o instanceof File) {
<a name="208" href="#208">208</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> toBytes((File) o);
<a name="209" href="#209">209</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">else</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (o instanceof InputStream) {
<a name="210" href="#210">210</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> toBytes((InputStream) o);
<a name="211" href="#211">211</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">else</strong> {
<a name="212" href="#212">212</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> objectToBytes(o);
<a name="213" href="#213">213</a> }
<a name="214" href="#214">214</a> }
<a name="215" href="#215">215</a>
<a name="216" href="#216">216</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="217" href="#217">217</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Converts the specified Object into a String.</em>
<a name="218" href="#218">218</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p/&gt;</em>
<a name="219" href="#219">219</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * If the argument is a {@code byte[]} or {@code char[]} it will be converted to a String using the</em>
<a name="220" href="#220">220</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * {@link #PREFERRED_ENCODING}. If a String, it will be returned as is.</em>
<a name="221" href="#221">221</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p/&gt;</em>
<a name="222" href="#222">222</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * If the argument is anything other than these three types, it is passed to the</em>
<a name="223" href="#223">223</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * {@link #objectToString(Object) objectToString} method.</em>
<a name="224" href="#224">224</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="225" href="#225">225</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param o the Object to convert into a byte array</em>
<a name="226" href="#226">226</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return a byte array representation of the Object argument.</em>
<a name="227" href="#227">227</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="228" href="#228">228</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">protected</strong> String toString(Object o) {
<a name="229" href="#229">229</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (o == <strong class="jxr_keyword">null</strong>) {
<a name="230" href="#230">230</a> String msg = <span class="jxr_string">"Argument for String conversion cannot be null."</span>;
<a name="231" href="#231">231</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">throw</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> IllegalArgumentException(msg);
<a name="232" href="#232">232</a> }
<a name="233" href="#233">233</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (o instanceof byte[]) {
<a name="234" href="#234">234</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> toString((byte[]) o);
<a name="235" href="#235">235</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">else</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (o instanceof <strong class="jxr_keyword">char</strong>[]) {
<a name="236" href="#236">236</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> String((<strong class="jxr_keyword">char</strong>[]) o);
<a name="237" href="#237">237</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">else</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (o instanceof String) {
<a name="238" href="#238">238</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> (String) o;
<a name="239" href="#239">239</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">else</strong> {
<a name="240" href="#240">240</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> objectToString(o);
<a name="241" href="#241">241</a> }
<a name="242" href="#242">242</a> }
<a name="243" href="#243">243</a>
<a name="244" href="#244">244</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">protected</strong> byte[] toBytes(File file) {
<a name="245" href="#245">245</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (file == <strong class="jxr_keyword">null</strong>) {
<a name="246" href="#246">246</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">throw</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> IllegalArgumentException(<span class="jxr_string">"File argument cannot be null."</span>);
<a name="247" href="#247">247</a> }
<a name="248" href="#248">248</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">try</strong> {
<a name="249" href="#249">249</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> toBytes(<strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> FileInputStream(file));
<a name="250" href="#250">250</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">catch</strong> (FileNotFoundException e) {
<a name="251" href="#251">251</a> String msg = <span class="jxr_string">"Unable to acquire InputStream for file ["</span> + file + <span class="jxr_string">"]"</span>;
<a name="252" href="#252">252</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">throw</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/shiro/codec/CodecException.html">CodecException</a>(msg, e);
<a name="253" href="#253">253</a> }
<a name="254" href="#254">254</a> }
<a name="255" href="#255">255</a>
<a name="256" href="#256">256</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="257" href="#257">257</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Converts the specified {@link InputStream InputStream} into a byte array.</em>
<a name="258" href="#258">258</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="259" href="#259">259</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param in the InputStream to convert to a byte array</em>
<a name="260" href="#260">260</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return the bytes of the input stream</em>
<a name="261" href="#261">261</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code InputStream} argument is {@code null}.</em>
<a name="262" href="#262">262</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @throws CodecException if there is any problem reading from the {@link InputStream}.</em>
<a name="263" href="#263">263</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @since 1.0</em>
<a name="264" href="#264">264</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="265" href="#265">265</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">protected</strong> byte[] toBytes(InputStream in) {
<a name="266" href="#266">266</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (in == <strong class="jxr_keyword">null</strong>) {
<a name="267" href="#267">267</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">throw</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> IllegalArgumentException(<span class="jxr_string">"InputStream argument cannot be null."</span>);
<a name="268" href="#268">268</a> }
<a name="269" href="#269">269</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">final</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">int</strong> BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
<a name="270" href="#270">270</a> ByteArrayOutputStream out = <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> ByteArrayOutputStream(BUFFER_SIZE);
<a name="271" href="#271">271</a> byte[] buffer = <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
<a name="272" href="#272">272</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">int</strong> bytesRead;
<a name="273" href="#273">273</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">try</strong> {
<a name="274" href="#274">274</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">while</strong> ((bytesRead = != -1) {
<a name="275" href="#275">275</a> out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
<a name="276" href="#276">276</a> }
<a name="277" href="#277">277</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> out.toByteArray();
<a name="278" href="#278">278</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">catch</strong> (IOException ioe) {
<a name="279" href="#279">279</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">throw</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/shiro/codec/CodecException.html">CodecException</a>(ioe);
<a name="280" href="#280">280</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">finally</strong> {
<a name="281" href="#281">281</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">try</strong> {
<a name="282" href="#282">282</a> in.close();
<a name="283" href="#283">283</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">catch</strong> (IOException ignored) {
<a name="284" href="#284">284</a> }
<a name="285" href="#285">285</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">try</strong> {
<a name="286" href="#286">286</a> out.close();
<a name="287" href="#287">287</a> } <strong class="jxr_keyword">catch</strong> (IOException ignored) {
<a name="288" href="#288">288</a> }
<a name="289" href="#289">289</a> }
<a name="290" href="#290">290</a> }
<a name="291" href="#291">291</a>
<a name="292" href="#292">292</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="293" href="#293">293</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Default implementation throws a CodecException immediately since it can't infer how to convert the Object</em>
<a name="294" href="#294">294</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * to a byte array. This method must be overridden by subclasses if anything other than the three default</em>
<a name="295" href="#295">295</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * types (listed in the {@link #toBytes(Object) toBytes(Object)} JavaDoc) are to be converted to a byte array.</em>
<a name="296" href="#296">296</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="297" href="#297">297</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param o the Object to convert to a byte array.</em>
<a name="298" href="#298">298</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return a byte array representation of the Object argument.</em>
<a name="299" href="#299">299</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="300" href="#300">300</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">protected</strong> byte[] objectToBytes(Object o) {
<a name="301" href="#301">301</a> String msg = <span class="jxr_string">"The "</span> + getClass().getName() + <span class="jxr_string">" implementation only supports conversion to "</span> +
<a name="302" href="#302">302</a> <span class="jxr_string">"byte[] if the source is of type byte[], char[], String, "</span> + ByteSource.<strong class="jxr_keyword">class</strong>.getName() +
<a name="303" href="#303">303</a> <span class="jxr_string">" File or InputStream. The instance provided as a method "</span> +
<a name="304" href="#304">304</a> <span class="jxr_string">"argument is of type ["</span> + o.getClass().getName() + <span class="jxr_string">"]. If you would like to convert "</span> +
<a name="305" href="#305">305</a> <span class="jxr_string">"this argument type to a byte[], you can 1) convert the argument to one of the supported types "</span> +
<a name="306" href="#306">306</a> <span class="jxr_string">"yourself and then use that as the method argument or 2) subclass "</span> + getClass().getName() +
<a name="307" href="#307">307</a> <span class="jxr_string">"and override the objectToBytes(Object o) method."</span>;
<a name="308" href="#308">308</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">throw</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/shiro/codec/CodecException.html">CodecException</a>(msg);
<a name="309" href="#309">309</a> }
<a name="310" href="#310">310</a>
<a name="311" href="#311">311</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
<a name="312" href="#312">312</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Default implementation merely returns &lt;code&gt;objectArgument.toString()&lt;/code&gt;. Subclasses can override this</em>
<a name="313" href="#313">313</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * method for different mechanisms of converting an object to a String.</em>
<a name="314" href="#314">314</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
<a name="315" href="#315">315</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @param o the Object to convert to a byte array.</em>
<a name="316" href="#316">316</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @return a String representation of the Object argument.</em>
<a name="317" href="#317">317</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
<a name="318" href="#318">318</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">protected</strong> String objectToString(Object o) {
<a name="319" href="#319">319</a> <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> o.toString();
<a name="320" href="#320">320</a> }
<a name="321" href="#321">321</a> }
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