blob: cc80904ba841ef01d3aeba8de296fa13303184bb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
var ActivityStreams = new function() {
// =============================== PEOPLE ===============================
// Loads viewer and friends
this.loadPeople = function() {
var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
req.add(req.newFetchPersonRequest(opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.VIEWER), 'viewer');
req.add(req.newFetchPersonRequest(opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.OWNER), 'owner');
var idSpec = opensocial.newIdSpec({'userId':'VIEWER', 'groupId':'FRIENDS'});
req.add(req.newFetchPeopleRequest(idSpec), 'viewerFriends');
// Callback for loading viewer and friends
this.onLoadPeople = function(response) {
viewer = response.get('viewer').getData(); // Load viewer (type: person)
owner = response.get('owner').getData(); // Load owner (type: person)
viewerFriends = response.get('viewerFriends').getData(); // Load viewer's friends (type: Collection<Person>)
// Loads viewer and friends using OSAPI
this.loadFriendsOsapi = function() {
var batch = osapi.newBatch();
batch.add('viewer', osapi.people.getViewer());
batch.add('viewerFriends', osapi.people.getViewerFriends());
// Callback for loading viewer and friends using OSAPI
this.onLoadFriendsOsapi = function(response) {
viewer = response.viewer; // Type: JSON object
viewerFriends = response.viewerFriends; // Type: JSON object
alert(JSON.stringify(response)); // Prints the raw JSON response :D
// ========================= ACTIVITY STREAMS =============================
// Creates and sends an ActivityEntry
this.postActivityEntry = function(comment) {
var params = {
userId: '@viewer',
groupId: '@self',
activityEntry: {
id: 'myEntryId',
permalink: '',
postedTime: '2010-04-27T06:02:36+0000',
title: 'My Comment',
body: comment,
actor: {
id: 'john.doe',
displayName: 'Eric Woods'
verb: ['play', 'post'],
object: {
id: 'activityObjectID',
displayName: 'My Object',
permalinkUrl: '',
objectType: ['event', 'meetup']
// Send the request and register callback
this.onPostActivityEntry = function(response) {
//alert('onPostActivityEntry: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
// Deletes the ActivityEntry with the given id
this.deleteActivityEntry = function(activityEntryId) {
// Generate request
var params = {
userId: '@viewer',
groupId: '@self',
activityEntryId: activityEntryId
// Send request
this.onDeleteActivityEntry = function(response) {
//alert('onDeleteActivityEntry: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
// Loads the ActivityEntries of the viewer
this.loadActivityEntriesViewer = function() {
var params = {userId: '@viewer', groupId: '@self'}
this.onLoadActivityEntriesViewer = function(response) {
viewerActivityEntries = response;
//alert('onLoadActivityEntriesViewer: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
// Loads the ActivityEntries of the viewer's friends
this.loadActivityEntriesFriends = function() {
var params = {userId: '@viewer', groupId: '@friends'}
this.onLoadActivityEntriesFriends = function(response) {
//alert('onLoadActivityEntriesFriends: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
friendActivityEntries = response;
// Loads the ActivityEntry with the given ID
this.loadActivityEntryId = function(activityEntryId) {
var params = {activityEntryIds: ['myEntryID', activityEntryId]};
this.onLoadActivityEntryId = function(response) {
alert('onLoadActivityEntryId: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
// ============================== ACTIVITIES ==============================
// Gets the activities of the viewer
this.loadActivitiesViewer = function() {
var req = osapi.activities.get({userId: '@viewer', groupId: '@self'});
// Callback to get the activities of the viewer
this.onLoadActivitiesViewer = function(response) {
viewerActivities = response;
//alert(JSON.stringify(response)); // Prints the raw JSON response :D
// Gets the activities of the viewer's friends
this.loadActivitiesFriends = function() {
var req = osapi.activities.get({userId: '@viewer', groupId: '@friends'});
// Callback to get the activities of the viewer's friends
this.onLoadActivitiesFriends = function(response) {
friendActivities = response;
//alert(JSON.stringify(response)); // Prints the raw JSON response :D
// Creates and sends an activity.
this.postActivity = function(title, body, photoURL, photoUploaded) {
//alert('postActivity(' + title + ', ' + body + ',' + photoURL + ',' + photoUploaded + ')');
if(false && photoURL != '') {
alert('uploading image at URL: ' + photoURL);
var params = {};
params[opensocial.MediaItem.Field.MIME_TYPE] = 'image/jpeg';
params[opensocial.MediaItem.Field.TYPE] = opensoical.MediaItem.Type.IMAGE;
params[opensocial.MediaItem.Field.URL] = photoURL;
var media = opensocial.newMediaItem('image/jpeg', photoURL, params);
var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
var idSpec = opensocial.newIdSpec({'userId':'VIEWER', 'groupId':'FRIENDS'});
req.add(req.newCreateMediaItemRequest(idSpec, '1', media), 'media');
req.send(function(response) {
var params = {
auth: {"default" : null, "type" : "AuthToken"},
userId: '@viewer',
groupId: '@self',
activity: {
userId: viewer.getId(),
title: title,
body: body,
updated: '2009-06-01T12:54:00Z'
// Callback for posting activities
this.onPostActivity = function(response) {
alert(JSON.stringify(response)); // Prints the raw JSON response :D