title: “[Co-authoring the future with ShenYu]” author: “kerwin612” description: “Co-authoring the future with ShenYu” categories: “Apache ShenYu Committers” tags: [“Apache ShenYu”] date: 2024-04-08

Self Introduction:

Hello everyone, I'm Le Zhang, with the github-id: kerwin612. I am extremely grateful to the Apache ShenYu community for recognizing my contributions and giving me the opportunity to become a Committer for this outstanding open-source project. Today, I would like to share my experience participating in the Apache ShenYu project, the growth I have achieved, and some suggestions.

Getting to know Apache ShenYu

My journey with Apache ShenYu began during my exploration of gateway technology options for my company. Upon discovering the ShenYu project, I was immediately intrigued by its high performance, multi-protocol support, easy scalability, and the wealth of ready-to-use plugins it offered. As a result, I decided to delve deeper into it and successfully ran the dev version of ShenYu in my local environment.

My way to Open source

As a full-stack engineer, I have a certain understanding of both front-end and back-end technologies, which enabled me to comprehensively understand and experience ShenYu. During my trial period, I identified numerous areas for optimization and decided to take action. I created a task list, tackled each issue one by one, and submitted my improvements to the community.

On the front-end side, my optimizations primarily included:

  • Thoroughly reviewing the entire website‘s styling and fixing multiple style anomalies. Although these anomalies seemed minor, they directly impacted users’ visual experience. By addressing these issues, I was able to enhance the cleanliness and aesthetics of ShenYu‘s front-end interface, thereby improving users’ overall experience.

  • Implementing multiple experience enhancements. These enhancements ranged from adjusting the position of a button to improving the interaction logic of an interface. By making these optimizations, I made ShenYu‘s front-end interface more intuitive and significantly enhanced users’ convenience.

  • Actively addressing over twenty front-end-related issues. These issues included both problems encountered by users during their usage and suggestions for improvement proposed by community members. I carefully analyzed the causes of each issue and successfully resolved them, contributing to the stability of ShenYu's front-end.

On the back-end side, my contributions mainly focused on:

  • Handling over ten back-end-related issues. These issues encompassed bug fixes and feature enhancements. Through referencing documentation, debugging code, and ultimately seeking feedback from project managers, I resolved each issue.

  • Implementing a new isBlank conditional judgment function. This function facilitates the determination of whether a request contains a specific parameter, providing convenience for back-end logical processing.

  • Developing a new plugin, basic-auth. This plugin enables basic authentication and authorization functionality. Through collaboration with other community members, I successfully completed the plugin's development and testing, integrating it into ShenYu.

My experience in Apahce ShenYu Community

As I submitted more and more pull requests, I gradually delved deeper into the core of the Apache ShenYu community. Here, I felt the enthusiasm and openness of the community members. They were always willing to share knowledge and experience, helping me better understand and use ShenYu. After a period of hard work and accumulation, I received an invitation from the ShenYu community to officially become a Committer of this outstanding team.

Becoming an Apache Committer is not only an honor for me but also a responsibility and commitment. It represents the community‘s trust and recognition of me, and it also strengthened my determination to contribute to the community. I am well aware that becoming a Committer is merely a new starting point. In the days ahead, I will continue to participate in ShenYu’s optimization and development work, constantly enhancing my skills and capabilities. I will keep up with community updates and demands, actively participate in community activities and discussions, and contribute even more to ShenYu's growth.

Moreover, I plan to further delve into the technical details and architectural principles of Apache ShenYu, enabling me to better provide technical support and solutions to the community. I believe that through continuous learning and practice, I can become a more accomplished Committer and make even greater contributions to Apache ShenYu's development.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude to the Apache ShenYu community for giving me this opportunity and trust, as well as to all community members for their support and assistance. I am confident that with our collective efforts, Apache ShenYu will continue to excel!

Thanks all!