title: Register Center Instance Config keywords: [“register center”] description: Register Instance

This document will introduce how to register the gateway instance to the registry. The Apache ShenYu gateway currently supports registration to zookeeper and etcd.

Add Maven dependency

First, introduce the following dependencies in the gateway's pom.xml file.

<!--shenyu instance start-->
<!--shenyu instance end-->

Use zookeeper

Add the following configuration to the gateway's yml file:

    enabled: true
    registerType: zookeeper
    serverLists: localhost:2181 #config with your zk address, used by the cluster environment, separated with (,).
      sessionTimeout: 3000 #Optional, default 3000
      connectionTimeout: 3000 #Optional, default 3000

Use etcd

Add the following configuration to the gateway's yml file:

    enabled: true
    registerType: etcd
    serverLists: http://localhost:2379 #config with your etcd address, used by the cluster environment, separated with (,).
      etcdTimeout: 3000 #Optional, default 3000
      etcdTTL: 5 #Optional, default 5

After the configuration is complete, start the gateway and it will successfully register to the corresponding registration center.