sidebar_position: 1 title: Local Quick Deployment keywords: [“Deployment”] description: Local Quick Deployment

This article introduces how to quick start the Apache ShenYu gateway in the standalone environment.

Environmental preparation

  • Install JDK1.8+ locally

Start Apache ShenYu Bootstrap

> windwos : start.bat 

> linux : ./ 

Selector and rule configuration

please refer to Developer Local Model add the selector and rule.


  • your service address ishttp:// and the response like follow:
  "name" : "Shenyu",
  "data" : "hello world"
  • use the follow data to add selector and rule

by postman

POST method,addresshttp://localhost:9195/shenyu/plugin/selectorAndRules,body use raw json content:

    "pluginName": "divide",
    "selectorHandler": "[{\"upstreamUrl\":\"\"}]",
    "conditionDataList": [{
        "paramType": "uri",
        "operator": "match",
        "paramValue": "/**"
    "ruleDataList": [{
        "ruleHandler": "{\"loadBalance\":\"random\"}",
        "conditionDataList": [{
            "paramType": "uri",
            "operator": "match",
            "paramValue": "/**"

by curl

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9195/shenyu/plugin/selectorAndRules' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "pluginName": "divide",
    "selectorHandler": "[{\"upstreamUrl\":\"\"}]",
    "conditionDataList": [{
        "paramType": "uri",
        "operator": "match",
        "paramValue": "/**"
    "ruleDataList": [{
        "ruleHandler": "{\"loadBalance\":\"random\"}",
        "conditionDataList": [{
            "paramType": "uri",
            "operator": "match",
            "paramValue": "/**"
  • open http://localhost:9195/helloworld:
  "name" : "Shenyu",
  "data" : "hello world"