sidebar_position: 7 title: Cluster Deployment keywords: [“Gateway Cluster Enviroment”, “Cluster Enviroment”] description: Cluster Delopyment

This aritcle introduces how to delopy the Shenyu gateway in cluster enviroment.

In this part, you can see ShenYu Binary Packages Deployment before deploying.

Enviromental Preparation

  • Two or more Gateway Boostrap servers, these servers must install JDK1.8+.
  • A server for Gateway Admin, this server must install mysql/pgsql/h2 and JDK1.8+.
  • A server for nginx.

Start Apache ShenYu Admin

  • download and unzip apache-shenyu-incubating-2.4.2-admin-bin.tar.gz in your Gateway Admin server.

  • config your database, go to the /conf directory, and modify of the configuration in application.yaml to mysql, pg or h2.

  • config your way of synchronization, go to the /conf directory, and modify shenyu.sync of configuration in application.yaml to websocket, http, zookeeper, etcd, consul or nacos.

  • start Apache ShenYu Admin in bin directory.

> windows: start.bat 

> linux: ./ 

Start Apache ShenYu Boostrap

  • download and unzip apache-shenyu-incubating-2.4.2-bootstrap-bin.tar.gz in your Gateway Boostrap server.

  • config your synchronization, go to the /conf directory, and modify shenyu.sync of configuration in application.yaml to websocket, http, zookeeper, etcd, consul or nacos, this configuaration must remain the same of ShenyYu Admin.

  • repeat above-mentioned operations in each ShenYu Bootstrap server.

  • start Apache ShenYu Bootstrap in bin directory.

> windwos : start.bat 

> linux : ./ 

After completing these operations, you will deploy ShenYu Boostrap Cluster.

For example. you will deploy ShenYu Bootstrap in and and deploy nginx in

Start Nginx

  • download and install nginx.

  • modify upstream and server of configuration in nginx.conf.

upstream shenyu_gateway_cluster {
  server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=10s weight=50;
  server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=10s weight=50;
server {
  location / {
		proxy_pass http://shenyu_gateway_cluster;
		proxy_set_header HOST $host;
		proxy_read_timeout 10s;
		proxy_connect_timeout 10s;
  • start nginx.
> windows: ./nginx.exe

> linux: /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx 
  • verify nginx, looking at your ShenYu Bootstrap log or Nginx log, Where will the verification request go.