title: Register Center Design keywords: [“soul”] description: register center design


  • This article mainly explains three ways of register center and their principles.


When client server start, the register center client will be loaded by spi.

Put data to Disruptor when spring bean load.

Soul register client get data from Disruptor, and it will send request to register server.

Disruptor can decouple data from operation and facilitate expansion.


When Soul-Admin server start, register center server will be loaded by spi. Meanwile Disruptor will be inited too.

Soul register server get data from register client, and then put then to Disruptor.

Soul-Admin Disruptor consumer get data from register server by Disruptor queue, then save them to database and publish data synchronize event.

Disruptor can decouple data from operation and buffering.

Http Registry

Principle of http register center is simple

Call interface of register server when Soul-Client start.

Soul-Admin accept request, then save to database and publish data synchronize event.

Zookeeper Registry

Zookeeper storage struct is:

   ├    ├──metadata
   ├    ├     ├──${rpcType}
   ├    ├     ├      ├────${contextPath}
   ├    ├     ├               ├──${ruleName} : save metadata data of MetaDataRegisterDTO
   ├    ├──uri
   ├    ├     ├──${rpcType}
   ├    ├     ├      ├────${contextPath}
   ├    ├     ├               ├──${ip:prot} : save uri data of URIRegisterDTO
   ├    ├     ├               ├──${ip:prot}

Zookeeper register client will save data to zookeeper when soul client is started.

Zookeeper register server will keep watching the change of data node.

Trigger selector and rule data update and event will be published, when metadata data node update.

Trigger selector and upstream update and event will be published, when uri data node update.

Etcd Registry

Etcd storage struct is:

   ├    ├──metadata
   ├    ├     ├──${rpcType}
   ├    ├     ├      ├────${contextPath}
   ├    ├     ├               ├──${ruleName} : save metadata data of MetaDataRegisterDTO
   ├    ├──uri
   ├    ├     ├──${rpcType}
   ├    ├     ├      ├────${contextPath}
   ├    ├     ├               ├──${ip:prot} : save uri data of URIRegisterDTO
   ├    ├     ├               ├──${ip:prot}

Etcd register client will save data to etcd when soul client is started.

Etcd register server will keep watching the change of data node.

Trigger selector and rule data update and event will be published, when metadata data node update.

Trigger selector and upstream update and event will be published, when uri data node update.

Consul Registry

Consul register client will save URIRegisterDTO to service instance metadata, and URIRegisterDTO will disappear with service unregister.

And Consul register client will save MetaDataRegisterDTO to Key/Value store, storage struct is:

   ├    ├──metadata
   ├    ├     ├──${rpcType}
   ├    ├     ├      ├────${contextPath}
   ├    ├     ├               ├──${ruleName} : save metadata data of MetaDataRegisterDTO

Consul register client will save data to consul when soul client is started.

Consul register server will keep watching the change of data node.

Trigger selector and rule data update and event will be published, when metadata data node update.

Trigger selector and upstream update and event will be published, when uri data node update.

Nacos Register

Nacos register have two parts:URI and Metadata。

URI is instance register. URI instance node will be deleted when server is down.

URI service's instance name will be named like below. Every URI instance has ip, port and contextPath as identifiers.


When URI instance up, it will publish metadata config. It's name like below.


Trigger selector and upstream update and event will be published, when URI service up or down.

Trigger selector and rule data update and event will be published, when metadata config update.


SPI NameDescription
SoulClientRegisterRepositorySoul client register SPI
Implementation ClassDescription
HttpClientRegisterRepositoryHttp client register repository
ZookeeperClientRegisterRepositoryZookeeper client register repository
EtcdClientRegisterRepositoryEtcd client register repository
ConsulClientRegisterRepositoryConsul client register repository
NacosClientRegisterRepositoryNacos client register repository
SPI NameDescription
SoulServerRegisterRepositorySoul server register SPI
Implementation ClassDescription
SoulHttpRegistryControllerHttp server repository
ZookeeperServerRegisterRepositoryZookeeper server registry repository
EtcdServerRegisterRepositoryEtcd server registry repository
ConsulServerRegisterRepositoryConsul server registry repository
NacosServerRegisterRepositoryNacos server registry repository