title: “[Apache ShenYu(incubating) newly promoted PPMC]” author: “Liu Liang” description: “Apache ShenYu(incubating) newly promoted PPMC” categories: “Apache ShenYu PPMC” tags: [“Apache ShenYu”] date: 2021-11-05

Introduction of new PPMC

Community Contribution

  • Deeply involved in the development of Apache ShenYu plug-in system (GRPC plugin, etc.).

  • Practice the Apache Way, be active in the community, help others, and actively participate in source code activities and official website documentation construction.

Community Experience

  • Community over code: Creating a good community atmosphere is important, more important than writing code. Apache ShenYu (incubating) community is also constantly improving, constantly improving, as much as possible to allow newcomers to participate, lower the threshold.

  • Transparent and open decision-making: Whether it's community development, feature development, or user issues are made public and archived on a mailing list.

  • Equality and respect: Focus on technical community communication, your contribution determines your authority.

  • Broaden your horizons: Not satisfied with CRUD in your daily work, participate in open source, your code will be reviewed, see what is good code, learn more about open source projects, and improve your personal technical skills.

  • No contribution is too big or too small: whether you have completed the core function development, or write test cases, or build the official website, modify the documentation, these contributions are the same, will be recognized by the community.