title: Run Integration Test Locally description: Run Integration Test Locally tags: [“integration test”]


  1. Clone the code of Apache ShenYu.
  2. Install and start docker.

Start integration test locally

  1. Build with Maven
./mvnw -B clean install -Prelease,docker -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true
  1. Build integrated tests
./mvnw -B clean install -Pit -DskipTests -f ./shenyu-integrated-test/pom.xml
  1. Start docker compose
docker-compose -f ./shenyu-integrated-test/${{ matrix.case }}/docker-compose.yml up -d

You need to replace ${{ matrix.case }} with the exact directory, such as shenyu-integrated-test-http.

  1. Run test
./mvnw test -Pit -f ./shenyu-integrated-test/${{ matrix.case }}/pom.xml