title: PMC Guide sidebar_position: 7 description: Voting in a new PMC member categories: “Apache ShenYu” tags: [“PMC-Member Guide”]

Vote new PMC member

1. Follow this PMC MEMBERSHIP MANAGEMENT to complete the vote

Tilte: [VOTE] New PMC member (Nominee)

Main Text :

I would like to nominate (Nominee) to join PMC member.

(Reason for nomination)

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until the necessary
number of votes are reached.

Please vote accordingly:

[ ] +1 approve

[ ] +0 no opinion

[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason

The following links will direct you to (Nominee) work.

list Nominee all contributions:

Title [RESULT] [VOTE] New PMC member :(Nominee)
Main Text:
I am glad to receive your votes, and the voting result is[1],
(total number) +1 votes, (total number) +0 votes, (total number)-1 votes

+1 PMC members name (PMC)

[1]: vote thread refer to https://lists.apache.org/list?private@shenyu.apache.org

The vote is successful,

I will proceed with the invitation. Note that according to new rules,
we can invite the candidate immediately, we do not need to wait 72
hours after board notification.

Tilte [NOTICE] (Nominee) for Apache ShenYu PMC

Main Text:

Apache ShenYu proposes to invite Nominee (apache id) to join the PMC.

The vote result is available here:

(vote result thread refer to https://lists.apache.org/list?private@shenyu.apache.org)

2. Add the new PMC to roster

3. Notify the new PMC members to subscribe to the private mailing list:private-subscribe@shenyu.apache.org

4. ANNOUNCE to dev@shenyu.apache.org

Title: [ANNOUNCE] New PMC member: (Nominee)
Main Text:

The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache ShenYu
has invited (Nominee) to become a member and we are pleased to
announce that he has accepted.

(Nominee) is active in the Apache ShenYu community, hope to see your
further interactions with the community!
Thanks for your contributions.
Best wishes!

PMC Member Responsibilities

Developing New Submitters

Developing committers is one of the most important functions of any PMC, and PMC members need to guide contributors to contribute smoothly, monitor their contribution volume, and nominate contributors as committers when appropriate.

Participate in community activities

This includes but is not limited to answering questions, giving talks, promoting projects, maintaining the brand, etc.

Release and version checking

PMC members should actively become release managers to release new releases. If you are not a release manager, you should do release checking when a new release is under publishing.

The content refers to
