sidebar_position: 4 title: SpringCloud Proxy keywords: [“soul”] description: springCloud with soul gateway


  • This article is a guide about how to integrate Spring Cloud with soul gateway quickly.
  • Please enable springCloud plug-in in soul-admin background.
  • Please start soul-admin successfully before integrating and Environment Setup is Ok.

Configure soul gateway as Spring Cloud proxy

  • add these dependencies in gateway's pom.xml:
<!--soul springCloud plugin start-->
 <!--soul springCloud plugin end-->

  • If you use eureka as SpringCloud registry center.

    • add these dependencies:
  • add these config values in gateway's yaml file:
         defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/ #your eureka address
       prefer-ip-address: true
  • if you use nacos as Spring Cloud registry center.

    • add these dependencies:
  • add these config values in gateway's yaml file:
            server-addr: # your nacos address
  • restart your gateway service.

SpringCloud integration with gateway

  • add these dependencies in your project:
  • backend server register center config, please look:register center access.

  • add the annotation @SoulSpringCloudClient in your controller interface.

  • you can apply the annotation to class-level in a controller.the name of the path variable is prefix and ‘/**’ will apply proxy for entire interfaces.

    • example (1):both /test/payment and /test/findByUserId will be handled by gateway.
 @SoulSpringCloudClient(path = "/test/**")
 public class HttpTestController {
     public UserDTO post(@RequestBody final UserDTO userDTO) {
         return userDTO;
     public UserDTO findByUserId(@RequestParam("userId") final String userId) {
         UserDTO userDTO = new UserDTO();
         userDTO.setUserName("hello world");
         return userDTO;
  • example (2):/order/save will be handled by gateway, and /order/findById won't.
 @SoulSpringCloudClient(path = "/order")
 public class OrderController {
     @SoulSpringMvcClient(path = "/save")
     public OrderDTO save(@RequestBody final OrderDTO orderDTO) {
         orderDTO.setName("hello world save order");
         return orderDTO;

     public OrderDTO findById(@RequestParam("id") final String id) {
         OrderDTO orderDTO = new OrderDTO();
         orderDTO.setName("hello world findById");
         return orderDTO;
  • start your service, get the log dubbo client register success, then your interface has been added with soul gateway successfully.

Plugin Setting

  • enable Spring Cloud plugin in soul-admin.

User Request

  • Send the request as before, only two points need to notice.

  • firstly,the domain name that requested before in your service, now need to replace with gateway's domain name.

  • secondly,soul gateway needs a route prefix which comes from contextPath, it configured during the integration with gateway, you can change it freely in divide plugin of soul-admin, if your familiar with it.

# for example, your have an order service and it has a interface, the request url: http://localhost:8080/test/save # now need to change to:http://localhost:9195/order/test/save # we can see localhost:9195 is the gateway's ip port, default port number is 9195 ,/order is the contextPath in your config yaml file. # the request of other parameters don't change. # Any questions, pls join the group and we can talk about it.
  • Then you can visit, very easy and simple.