sidebar_position: 3 title: Integrate dubbo with soul gateway keywords: [“soul”] description: Integrate dubbo with soul gateway


  • This chapter is a guide about integrating dubbo service with soul gateway.
  • Support Alibaba Dubbo(< 2.7.x) and Apache Dubbo (>=2.7.x).
  • Please start soul-admin successfully before integrating, and Environment Setup is Ok.

Configure soul gateway as Dubbo proxy

  • Add these dependencies in gateway's pom.xml.
  • Alibaba dubbo user, configure the dubbo version and registry center with yours.
<!--soul alibaba dubbo plugin start-->
<!-- soul  alibaba dubbo plugin end-->
  • Apache dubbo user, configure the dubbo version and registry center with yours.
<!--soul apache dubbo plugin start-->
<!--soul apache dubbo plugin end-->

<!-- Dubbo Nacos registry dependency start -->
<!-- Dubbo Nacos registry dependency  end-->

<!-- Dubbo zookeeper registry dependency start-->
<!-- Dubbo zookeeper registry dependency end -->
  • restart gateway service.

    Dubbo integration with gateway,pls refer to : soul-examples-dubbo

  • Alibaba Dubbo User

    • SpringBoot

      • Add these dependencies:

      • backend server register center config, please look:register center access.

    • Spring

      • Add these dependencies:

      • Inject these properties into your Sping beans XML file:

        <bean id ="alibabaDubboServiceBeanPostProcessor" class ="">
             <constructor-arg  ref="soulRegisterCenterConfig"/>
        <bean id="soulRegisterCenterConfig" class="org.dromara.soul.register.common.config.SoulRegisterCenterConfig">
           <property name="registerType" value="http"/>
           <property name="serverList" value="http://localhost:9095"/>
           <property name="props">
                   <entry key="contextPath" value="/your contextPath"/>
                   <entry key="appName" value="your name"/>
                   <entry key="isFull" value="false"/>
  • Apache Dubbo User

    • SpringBoot

      • Add these dependencies:
    • Spring

      • Add these dependencies:
      • Injecct these properties into your Spring beans XML file:
      <bean id ="apacheDubboServiceBeanPostProcessor" class ="org.dromara.soul.client.apache.dubbo.ApacheDubboServiceBeanPostProcessor">
         <constructor-arg  ref="soulRegisterCenterConfig"/>
      <bean id="soulRegisterCenterConfig" class="org.dromara.soul.register.common.config.SoulRegisterCenterConfig">
         <property name="registerType" value="http"/>
         <property name="serverList" value="http://localhost:9095"/>
         <property name="props">
                   <entry key="contextPath" value="/your contextPath"/>
                   <entry key="appName" value="your name"/>
                   <entry key="isFull" value="false"/>

Dubbo configuration

  • Enable dubbo option in soul-admin.
  • Configure your registry address in dubbo.
{"register":"zookeeper://localhost:2181"}   or {"register":"nacos://localhost:8848"}

Configure the interface with gateway

  • you can add the annotation @SoulDubboClient to your dubbo service implementation class, so that the interface method will be configured with gateway.

  • start your provider and get the log dubbo client register success,then your dubbo interface has been added with soul gateway successfully.Pls refer to soul-test-dubbo project.

Dubbo user request and parameter explanation.

  • communicate with dubbo service through Http transport protocol.
  • soul gateway need a route prefix which configured when accessing the project.
# for example: you have an order service and it has a interface, his registry address: /order/test/save

# now we can communicate with gateway through POST request http://localhost:9195/order/test/save

# localhost:9195 is gateway's ip port,default port is 9195 ,/order is the contextPath you set through gateway.
  • parameter deliver:
    • communicate with gateway through body or json of http post request.
    • more parameter types, pls refer to the interface definition in soul-examples-dubbo and parameter passing method.
  • Single java bean parameter type (default).
  • Multi-parameter type support, add this config value in gateway's yaml file:
    parameter: multi
  • Support for customized multi-parameter type
  • Create a new implementation class A in your gateway project of org.dromara.soul.web.dubbo.DubboParamResolveService.
public interface DubboParamResolveService {

    * Build parameter pair.
    * this is Resolve http body to get dubbo param.
    * @param body           the body
    * @param parameterTypes the parameter types
    * @return the pair
   Pair<String[], Object[]> buildParameter(String body, String parameterTypes);
  • body is the json string in http request.
  • parameterTypes: the list of method parameter types that are matched,split with ,.
  • in Pair,left is parmeter type,right is parameter value, it's the standard of dubbo generalization calls.
  • Inject your class into Spring bean, cover the default implementation.
public DubboParamResolveService A() {
      return new A();

Service governance

  • Tag route
    • Add Dubbo_Tag_Route when send request, the current request will be routed to the provider of the specified tag, which is only valid for the current request.
  • Explicit Target
    • Set the url property in the annotation @SoulDubboClient.
    • Update the configuration in Admin.
    • It's valid for all request.
  • Param valid and SoulException
    • Set validation="soulValidation".

    • When SoulException is thrown in the interface, exception information will be returned. It should be noted that SoulException is thrown explicitly.

      @Service(validation = "soulValidation")
      public class TestServiceImpl implements TestService {
              @SoulDubboClient(path = "/test", desc = "test method")
              public String test(@Valid HelloServiceRequest name) throws SoulException {
                  if (true){
                      throw new SoulException("Param binding error.");
                  return "Hello " + name.getName();
    • Request param

          public class HelloServiceRequest implements Serializable {
              private static final long serialVersionUID = -5968745817846710197L;
              @NotEmpty(message = "name cannot be empty")
              private String name;
              @NotNull(message = "age cannot be null")
              private Integer age;
              public String getName() {
                  return name;
              public void setName(String name) {
         = name;
              public Integer getAge() {
                  return age;
              public void setAge(Integer age) {
                  this.age = age;
    • Send request

          "name": ""
    • Response

          "code": 500,
          "message": "Internal Server Error",
          "data": "name cannot be empty,age cannot be null"
    • Error message

          "code": 500,
          "message": "Internal Server Error",
          "data": "Param binding error."

Let's break down this process: http --> gateway --> dubbo provider

  • It basically switches from HTTP request to Dubbo protocol, then invoke Dubbo service and return to the result.
  • Two things need to notice after intgeration with gateway, one is the added annoation @SoulDubboClient, another is a path used to speicify the request path.
  • And you added a config value of contextPath.
  • If you still remember, then we can start.
  • If you have a function like this, the config value in contextPath is /dubbo
    @SoulDubboClient(path = "/insert", desc = "insert data")
    public DubboTest insert(final DubboTest dubboTest) {
        return dubboTest;

So our request path is: http://localhost:9195/dubbo/insert, localhost:9195 is the gateway's domain name,if you changed before,so does with yours here..

How about the request parameter? DubboTest is a java bean object,has 2 parameters, id and name, so we can transfer the value's json type through request body.

  • If your interface has no parameter, then the value is:
  • If your interface has multi-parameter, pls refer to the guide above.