title: gRPC Plugin keywords: [“grpc-plugin”] description: grpc-plugin


  • The grpc plugin is a plugin that converts the Http protocol into the grpc protocol.

Plugin Setting

  • Add related dependencies and enable plugin, please refer to: Quick start with gRPC .

  • gRPC client access, please refer to: gRPC Proxy .

  • New fields and meanings of grpc plugin since 2.4.3:

    • threadpool:There are two types of business thread pools, cached and shared.

      cached is equivalent to the default thread pool officially provided by grpc;

      shared thread pool, just as its name, all proxy plugins share a shared `Thread pool, the advantage of doing this is that it can reduce the number of thread pools, thereby reducing memory and improving resource utilization.

Plugin Detail

After the client accesses the Apache ShenYu gateway, it will automatically register the selector and rule information. You can see it in PluginList -> rpc proxy -> grpc. For details about the selector and rule configuration, see Selector And Rule Config .

Selector Handler

Selector Handler, the handle field, is the processing operation that the gateway can perform after matching the traffic.

  • config details:

    • ip:port:enter the ip:port of your real service .

    • protocol:indicates the Http protocol. Generally, the value is http:// or https://. If the value is not specified, the default value is http:// .

    • weight:service weight.

    • status:open or close.


Each grpc interface method, will correspond to a metadata, when the grpc application client access to the Apache ShenYu gateway, will be automatically registered, can be viewed in the shenyu-admin background management system of the BasicConfig --> Metadata management.

  • AppName: specifies the name of the application to which the metadata belongs.

  • MethodName: the name of the method to call.

  • Path: http request path.

  • PathDescribe: the description of the path is easy to view.

  • ParamsType: the parameters are separated by commas (,) in the order of interface parameter types.

  • RpcExpand: other configurations of the grpc interface, which support the JSON format, are as follows:

  "timeout": 5000,
  "methodType": "SERVER_STREAMING"
  • Interface: The fully qualified class name of the grpc interface.

  • RpcType:choose grpc.