title: ParamMapping Plugin keywords: [“paramMapping-plugin”] description: paramMapping-plugin


  • paramMapping is a native plugin of Apache ShenYu Gateway and is used to edit your request param.

Plugin Setting

  • In shenyu-admin --> BasicConfig --> Plugin --> paramMapping , set to enable.

Plugin Use

  • Introduce paramMapping dependency in the pom.xml file of the gateway.
  <!-- apache shenyu param_mapping plugin start-->
        <!-- apache shenyu param_mapping plugin end-->
  • Selectors and rules, please refer to:Selector And Rule Config

    • Only those matched requests can be modified your request body.

ParamMappingPlugin Guide

  • 1.Configuration selector
  • 2.Configuration rule
  • 3.modify request body
  • param details:
    • addParameterKeys: add a new key-value on body
    • replaceParameterKeys: replace request body's keykey is the value to be replaced,value is the value after replacement
    • removeParameterKeys: remove a body key

param_mapping modify the request body is achieved through JSONPath , $. represents the root directory.

use the configuration,unopened the plugin,request body is:


open the plugin,the final request body is


add a new key-value name:shenyu,replace the key id to userId, remove the key data.value .