title: Custom Metrics Monitor keywords: [“MetricsMonitor”] description: custom Metrics Monitor


  • Before custom development, please customize and build the gateway environment first, please refer to: custom deployment

  • This article describes how to customize the extension of org.apache.shenyu.plugin.metrics.spi.MetricsService.


  • Create a new project and introduce the following dependencies:
  • Create a new class ${you class},implements org.apache.shenyu.plugin.metrics.spi.MetricsService
public class ${you class} implements MetricsService {
     * Start metrics tracker.
     * @param metricsConfig metrics config
     * @param metricsRegister the metrics register
    public void start(MetricsConfig metricsConfig, MetricsRegister metricsRegister){
				//your code
     * Stop metrics tracker.
    public void stop() {
      	//your code
  • In the project resources directory,Create a new META-INF/shenyu directory, and the new file name is : org.apache.shenyu.plugin.metrics.spi.MetricsService. add ${you spi name} = ${you class path}:
${you spi name} = ${you class path}
  • Package the project and copy it to the lib or ext-lib directory of the gateway (bootstrap-bin).

  • In the Admin service ---> BasicConfig ---> Plugin , Find the Monitor plugin, edit config, pay attention to the metricsName name: ${you spi name}.