title: Code Analysis For Context-Path Plugin author: Kunshuai Zhu author_title: Apache ShenYu Contributor author_url: https://github.com/JooKS-me author_image_url: https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/62384022?v=4 tags: [Context-Path, Apache ShenYu]

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First, look at the ContextPathPlugin#doExecute method, which is the core of this plugin.

protected Mono<Void> doExecute(final ServerWebExchange exchange, final ShenyuPluginChain chain, final SelectorData selector, final RuleData rule) {
    // 1. get the contextMappingHandle from the JVM cache
    ContextMappingHandle contextMappingHandle = ContextPathPluginDataHandler.CACHED_HANDLE.get().obtainHandle(CacheKeyUtils.INST.getKey(rule));
    // 2. set shenyu context according to contextMappingHandle
    buildContextPath(shenyuContext, contextMappingHandle);
    return chain.execute(exchange);
  1. Get the contextMappingHandle from the JVM cache

    The contextMappingHandle here is an instance of the ContextMappingHandle class, which has two member variables: contextPath and addPrefix

    These two variables have appeared in the Rules form in the Admin before, and they are updated when the data is synchronized.

  2. Set shenyu context according to contextMappingHandle

    Below is the source code of the ContextPathPlugin#buildContextPath method

    private void buildContextPath(final ShenyuContext context, final ContextMappingHandle handle) {
        String realURI = "";
        // 1. set the context path of shenyu, remove the prefix of the real URI according to the length of the contextPath
        if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(handle.getContextPath())) {
            realURI = context.getPath().substring(handle.getContextPath().length());
        // add prefix
        if (StringUtils.isNoneBlank(handle.getAddPrefix())) {
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(realURI)) {
                realURI = handle.getAddPrefix() + realURI;
            } else {
                realURI = handle.getAddPrefix() + context.getPath();
    • Set the context path of shenyu, remove the prefix of the real URI according to the length of the contextPath

      You may be wondering whether there is a problem with the so-called “according to the length of the contextPath” here?

      In fact, such a judgment is not a problem, because the request will be processed by the plugin only after it is matched by the Selector and Rules. Therefore, under the premise of setting up Selector and Rules, it is completely possible to meet the needs of converting a specific contextPath.

Then, the ContextPathPlugin class has a more important method skip, part of the code is shown below. We can find: If it is a call to the RPC service, the context_path plugin will be skipped directly.

public Boolean skip(final ServerWebExchange exchange) {
    return Objects.equals(rpcType, RpcTypeEnum.DUBBO.getName())
            || Objects.equals(rpcType, RpcTypeEnum.GRPC.getName())
            || Objects.equals(rpcType, RpcTypeEnum.TARS.getName())
            || Objects.equals(rpcType, RpcTypeEnum.MOTAN.getName())
            || Objects.equals(rpcType, RpcTypeEnum.SOFA.getName());

Finally, the context-path plugin has another class ContextPathPluginDataHandler. The function of this class is to subscribe to the data of the plug-in. When the plugin configuration is modified, deleted, or added, the data is modified, deleted, or added to the JVM cache.