title: “【The Student's Journey of Contributing to Apache ShenYu】” author: “Haiqi Qin” description: “The Student's Journey of Contributing to Apache ShenYu” categories: “Apache ShenYu Committers” tags: [“Apache ShenYu”] date: 2023-06-14

New Committer Introduction

Name:Haiqi Qin

University:Northeastern University

Role: Apache ShenYu Committer



First encounter shenyu

The earliest contact with Shenyu was through the introduction of classmate Zhu Kunshuai (jooks me), who had already made many contributions in the community and had some experience. After introducing me to the Shenyu community, he constantly guided me, led me to understand the project, explained the relevant regulations of the community, and under his encouragement, I submitted my first PR about open source projects in my life. In the following days, I mainly tried to study the code of Shenyu, modify some small errors, and do some unit tests or Integration testing of plugins.

Gradually reaching a better state

As a developer, I certainly don‘t want my contribution to Shenyu to be limited to testing type tasks. It was during Shenyu’s registration for the Google Summer of Code event, so I actively reviewed the topics and ultimately decided to participate in the Shenyu plugin logging elastic search project. Under the patient guidance of Teacher Xiao Yu (Cat Adult), I finally completed the project and successfully submitted the development related code for Shenyu. Through this project, I have gained a better understanding of Shenyu, and at the same time, I am more eager to continue contributing code to Shenyu. Afterwards, I attempted to contribute two load balancing strategies to Shenyu, and will now and in the future contribute to the Shenyu-e2e module.

Harvest full

  • Learned more about gateways and services.

  • Learned the registration principles of different registration centers.

  • Learned the synchronization principles of different data synchronization methods.

  • Learned how to write more elegant code.

Some suggestions

  • Learn to read official documents. The document is now quite complete and can basically cover the needs of users.
  • Attend weekly meetings. Shenyu holds a regular meeting every two weeks to introduce the current development progress of the project. Friends can choose tasks they are interested in for development, and they can also communicate with the big shots about technology.

Special Thanks

I have always believed that Shenyu is a big family with warmth. When I encountered difficulties, many friends provided me with great help, which saved me from taking many detours when making contributions. Thank you to my friends who have helped me (in any order): yu199195, moremind, JooKS-me, erdengk, qifanyy.