title: Guide for New Contributors to Start avoid Pitfalls author: Yuxuan Zhang author_title: Apache ShenYu Contributor author_url: https://github.com/zuobiao-zhou author_image_url: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/61108539?s=400&u=f065b78a2944f2cea9160de7f7df054e2f157867&v=4 tags: [first-start,Apache ShenYu]


As a first-time developer in the Shenyu community, I encountered some “Pitfalls” that were not mentioned in the tutorials I followed to start and develop the project. I have documented the detailed steps I took to start shenyu, shenyu-dashboard, shenyu-website in this blog, hoping to help more new contributors in the community.

Environmental Preparation

  • Correct local installation of JDK1.8+
  • Properly install Git locally
  • Choose a development tool, this article uses IDEA as an example

ShenYu Backend Startup Guide

Install and Configure Maven

Maven is a cross-platform project management tool . As the Apache organization's top open source projects , its main service for Java-based platform project creation , dependency management and project information management.

  1. Download maven and extract it to a path with no Chinese and no spaces.

  2. Add the bin directory under the maven directory to the environment variables. For Windows, if the download directory is E:\apache-maven-3.9.1, add E:\apache-maven-3.9.1\bin to the Path system variable.

  3. Verify that the installation was successful. Type mvn -v in the cmd window, and if the Maven version and Java version appear, the installation is successful. This is shown below:

    C:\Users\pc>mvn -v
    Apache Maven 3.9.1 (2e178502fcdbffc201671fb2537d0cb4b4cc58f8)
    Maven home: E:\apache-maven-3.9.1
    Java version:, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-
    Default locale: zh_CN, platform encoding: UTF-8
    OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"
  4. To speed up the download of project-related dependencies, you need to change the Maven mirrors, here add Aliyun and other mirrors. Change the <mirrors> </mirrors> tag pair in conf/settings.xml to the following:

        <name>aliyun maven</name>
        <name>aliyun maven</name>
        <name>junit address/</name>

    and add <localRepository>E:/maven_local_repository</localRepository> to the next line of </mirrors> to set the location of Maven local repository. You can specify the exact location yourself.

Pull ShenYu Code

  1. Fork ShenYu repository on Github to your own repository, where you can develop and commit PRs in the future

  2. Use Git to download the repository from the previous step locally:

    git clone git@github.com:${YOUR_USERNAME}/${TARGET_REPO}.git

    If prompted for a long file name, execute the following command via the command line:

    git config --global core.longpaths true

ShenYu First Start


  1. Compile with Maven in the shenyu directory:

    mvn clean install -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -B -Drat.skip=true -Djacoco.skip=true -DskipITs -DskipTests
  2. Configure IDEA environment. Open shenyu project with IDEA, click File -> Settings in the top left corner, and configure Maven as shown below. Where User settings file select your settings.xml directory, and then Local repository will automatically load the localRepository path set in settings.xml:

  3. At this point, IDEA will automatically download the project-related dependencies, you need to wait for a while, when finished, as shown in the following figure:

    As you can see, shenyu-e2e, shenyu-examples, shenyu-integrated-test are not marked as Maven projects by IDEA and need to be added manually. Select the pom.xml file in the package and right-click Add as Maven Project. If the shenyu-e2e build fails, then add the <relativePath>. /pom.xml</relativePath> to <relativePath/>.

Start Gateway Service

  1. Start the shenyu-admin console (H2 database is used by default)

  2. start shenyu-bootstrap

By this point, the shenyu gateway has been started.

We can open the browser and access the admin console: http://localhost:9095/

Default account: admin , default password: 123456

Start Application Service

Apache ShenYu provides samples of Http, Dubbo, SpringCloud and other applications to access the shenyu gateway, located in the shenyu-example module, here the Http service is used as an example.

Start shenyu-examples-http

At this point, shenyu-examples-http will automatically register the interface methods annotated with @ShenyuSpringMvcClient and the relevant configuration in application.yml to the gateway. We can open the admin console and see the configuration in Client List -> Proxy -> divide.

Test Http Request

The following uses the IDEA HTTP Client Plugin to mock http to access http services.

  • Local access without using shenyu proxy

  • Use shenyu proxy

Use more plugins

We can refer to the official documentation to the left of Plugins collection to use the required plugins.

Shenyu Front End Startup Guide

Install Node.js


  1. Download and install Node.js from official website and select LTS version.

  2. When installing, except for setting the installation path, just keep clicking Next.

  3. After the installation is complete, verify at the command line:

    C:\Users\pc>node -v
    C:\Users\pc>npm -v

Pull ShenYu Dashboard Code

  1. Fork ShenYu Dashboard repository

  2. Using Git to download locally

    git clone git@github.com:${YOUR_USERNAME}/${TARGET_REPO}.git

Front and Back End Co-development

  1. Add enablePrintApiLog: true to the shenyu-admin/src/main/resources/application.yml file in the backend repository shenyu as shown below to show the log of frontend interface calls in the backend console.

  2. Start ShenyuAdminBootstrap

  3. Switch to the front-end repository shenyu-dashboard, open README, click npm install, npm start or enter the above command from cmd to access the front-end interface via http://localhost:8000, and display the log of the front-end interface called in the back-end console. Realize the co-development of front-end and back-end.

Package Front-end Code

Execute the npm build command in README and copy all the generated files from the dist folder to the shenyu-admin/src/main/resources/static/ directory in the backend repository.

Contribute to Shenyu Official Website

Just follow the README in shenyu-website.


  1. I recommend downloading the LTS version from the Node website.
  2. Windows systems cannot be deployed, if you want to verify your changes, you can deploy on a Linux virtual machine or server.