sidebar_position: 8 title: Benchmark Test Report keywords: [“test”, “benchmark-test”] description: ShenYu Benchmark Test Report


Back-end Mock Service Server:

  • CPU: 4 cores and 8 threads Intel Cascade Lake @ 3.0GHz
  • RAM: 16G

Gateway node server:

  • CPU: 4 cores and 8 threads Intel Cascade Lake @ 3.0GHz
  • RAM: 16G

The test tool takes up few resources and is installed on the gateway node server.

ShenYu Version

  • ShenYu Admin: 2.6.0
  • ShenYu Bootstrap: 2.6.0

Test Tool


Test Case Description


  • Use the Mock service to simulate an interface with an average response time of 20ms and about 2k response messages
  • Each test lasts 3 minutes
  • The HTTP request side is tested with NettyClient and WebClient respectively

JVM Configuration

- -Xmx 4g 
- -Xms 4g 
- -Xmn 1g 
- -Xss 512k 
- -XX: +DisableExplicitGC 
- -XX: LargePageSizeInBytes=128m

Public Configuration

    selectorEnabled: false
    initialCapacity: 10000 # initial capacity in cache
    maximumSize: 10000 # max size in cache
    initialCapacity: 10000 # initial capacity in cache
    maximumSize: 65536 # max size in cache
    enabled: true
    childrenSize: 10000
    pathVariableSize: 1000
    pathRuleCacheSize: 1000
    matchMode: antPathMatch

Netty Configuration

    # set to false, user can custom the netty tcp server config.
    webServerFactoryEnabled: true
    selectCount: 1
    workerCount: 8
    accessLog: false
        soRcvBuf: 87380
        soBackLog: 128
        soReuseAddr: false
        connectTimeoutMillis: 10000
        writeBufferHighWaterMark: 65536
        writeBufferLowWaterMark: 32768
        writeSpinCount: 16
        autoRead: false
        allocType: "pooled"
        messageSizeEstimator: 8
        singleEventExecutorPerGroup: true
        soKeepAlive: false
        soReuseAddr: false
        soLinger: -1
        tcpNoDelay: true
        soRcvBuf: 87380
        soSndBuf: 16384
        ipTos: 0
        allowHalfClosure: false
        connectTimeoutMillis: 10000
        writeBufferHighWaterMark: 65536
        writeBufferLowWaterMark: 32768
        writeSpinCount: 16
        autoRead: false
        allocType: "pooled"
        messageSizeEstimator: 8
        singleEventExecutorPerGroup: true

WebClient Configuration

    strategy: webClient # netty
    connectTimeout: 45000 # 45000
    responseTimeout: 3000 # 3000
    readerIdleTime: 3000 # 3000
    writerIdleTime: 3000 # 3000
    allIdleTime: 3000 # 3000
    readTimeout: 3000 # 3000
    writeTimeout: 3000 # 3000
    wiretap: false # false
    keepAlive: false # false
    maxInMemorySize: 1 # 1
        type: ELASTIC # ELASTIC
        name: proxy # proxy
        maxConnections: 16 # 16
        acquireTimeout: 45000 # 45000
        maxIdleTime: 3000 # 3000

Benchmark Test Results

Direct Access to Back-end Test Result

Test Result

| **QPS** | **50% latency (ms)** | **75% latency (ms)** | **90% latency (ms)** | **99% latency (ms)** | **Avg response time (ms)** | **Max response time (ms)** |
| 28998.20      | 19.81                | 23.78                | 28.26                | 41.24                | 20.92          | 402.90          |

Screenshot of Test Result

Access to Back-end Services via NettyClient Test Result

Test Result
|             | **QPS**  | **50% latency (ms)** | **75% latency (ms)** | **90% latency (ms)** | **99% latency (ms)** | **Avg response time (ms)** | **Max response time (ms)** |
| 600 concurrency  | 20472.95 | 19.37            | 25.36            | 32.89            | 69.92            | 22.09      | 1043.33    |
| 800 concurrency  | 20703.55 | 23.57            | 31.32            | 40.11            | 77.28            | 26.11      | 576.47     |
| 1000 concurrency | 20979.91 | 29.21            | 37.86            | 47.23            | 80.91            | 31.20      | 860.55     |
| 1200 concurrency | 21129.88 | 32.45            | 42.40            | 52.68            | 96.10            | 35.06      | 1070       |

Screenshot of Test Result

600 concurrency
800 concurrency
1000 concurrency
1200 concurrency

Access to Back-end Services via WebClient Test Result

Test Result

|             | **QPS**  | **50% latency (ms)** | **75% latency (ms)** | **90% latency (ms)** | **99% latency (ms)** | **Avg response time (ms)** | **Max response time (ms)** |
| 600 concurrency  | 18640.47 | 15.77            | 24.77            | 38.26            | 80.31            | 20.32      | 852.06     |
| 800 concurrency  | 18723.44 | 18.12            | 28.69            | 44.96            | 95.3             | 23.52      | 765.26     |
| 1000 concurrency | 18928.99 | 19.99            | 31.42            | 49.09            | 108.84           | 25.93      | 1040       |
| 1200 concurrency | 18965.37 | 22.10            | 34.62            | 54.48            | 122.31           | 28.66      | 1075       |

Screenshot of Test Result

600 concurrency
800 concurrency
1000 concurrency
1200 concurrency