pip3 install Apache-ShenYu-Client -i https://pypi.python.org/simple
3.1、Use the decorator
>>import package: from apache_shenyu_client.config import GatewayConfig from apache_shenyu_client.register import register_uri, register_metadata, register_all_metadata 3.1.0、First, modify the configuration according to the project situation, If you do not configure it, you will not be able to use apache_shenyu_client. #### Configure shenyu gateway services and port GatewayConfig.test = { "servers": "xx.xx.xx.xx", "port": 1001 } #### Configure python services information GatewayConfig.uri = { "app_name": "app2", # app name "host": "", # python service host "port": 8000, # python service port "context_path": "/flask_test", # context_path "environment": "test", # environment "rpc_type": "http" # rpc type } #### Configure to get administrator token GatewayConfig.register = { "register_type": "http", "servers": "xx.xx.xx.xx", "props": { "username": "admin", "password": "123456" } } 3.1.1、proxy all api、Using a decorator at the entry of a service request to register for this service: @register_uri、Using a decorator at the entry of a service request: @register_all_metadata(register_all=True) 3.1.2、proxy some api、Using a decorator at the entry of a service request to register for this service: @register_uri、use a decorator on that api definition: @register_metadata,need param: path, as follows、this is a python flask service api, path is "/search" @user.route('/search', methods=['GET']) def user_search_handler(): data = UserBusiness.search_by_nickname() return json_detail_render(0, data)` proxy: @register_metadata("/search") @user.route('/search', methods=['GET']) def user_search_handler(): data = UserBusiness.search_by_nickname() return json_detail_render(0, data)
3.2、function call usage
>>import package from apache_shenyu_client.config import GatewayConfig from apache_shenyu_client.api import GatewayProxy gt = GatewayProxy() 3.2.1、Modify the configuration according to the project situation GatewayConfig.uri = { "app_name": "app2", # app name "host": "", # python service host "port": 8000, # python service port "context_path": "/flask_test", # context_path "environment": "test", # environment "rpc_type": "http" # rpc type } 3.2.2、register uri: gt.register_uri() "/helloqq2" is the path to register、register some path: gt.register_metadata("/helloqq2")、register all path: gt.register_metadata(register_all=True)